All the spokes we sell are offered in 1mm increments and are sold as singles. The app already requires you to enter the OLD (Over Locknut Distance) and uses that alongside the distance from the locknut to flange to then calculate the center to flange measurement. Also, If you’re ever unsure, you can use more than one of these to check against each other for peace of mind. However, if you enter that measurement into this tool you get some pretty funky spoke lengths. ACS Cassette with Envy 24 Rear 3X is 234mm or 240mm 4 cross If those were defined it would make sense…. Finding the best Spoke Length Calculator for Wheel Building The most important step when building a bicycle wheel is determining the correct spoke length to use. Another point worth mentioning is that as a general rule a 1-2mm tolerance in spoke length is acceptable and rarely effects the build of the wheel. Our wheel builder has over 30 years bike shop wheel building experience and can do custom bmx or other types of wheels in any size. Here is a good place to start: If you’re using it for the first time, you can trust that it is of the same level of precision that the Swiss spoke, hub and rim maker has long been known for. Note: Your wheels will be delivered tight and true. It even gives an estimated weight for the final build! Add Signature Required (+$6.00), None

Fortunately we are living in the computer age now and free spoke calculators are plentiful. Now I can find 295mm spokes but, so far, I haven't been able to find a 293. A calculation is only as good as the data used to calculate it, so do your homework and remember to measure twice. If you get this part right, the rest of a wheel build is easy. Thanks,

Add quantity two if you are building two wheels for example. Pros: Ability to measure both front and rear wheels on the same page and print the results. Enter values manually, or add rimsto your bench to select them here. I know that there are some smart people out there that we’re lucky to have around. Registered users benefit from having a saved database of their own wheels on hand for future reference. This site includes a page on how to measure the hub and rim to get the numbers you need to enter into a spoke-length calculator. I’ve started using one that has been working really good, and happens to be free. Thank you for your online spoke calculator list. BMX 20″ Inner Tube (+$5.99), None Independent left & right values. Every fill-in-the-blanks spoke calculator I’ve shown you is based on the application of these concepts, so it might be respectful to look at them for just a little while and contemplate the effort put in by gifted people, (the smart mathematicians who figure out these equations, and the clever computer programmers who wrap them up in the software code,) so that us more mechanically inclined individuals can feel like we are actually good at something too. All measurements must be in millimeters (mm). Don’t feel embarrassed if they don’t. The formula I use for three cross, 32 spoke wheels with 12mm nipples is (ERD/2) – 9mm. Decimal cross values are handled just like Damon Rinard's spocalc.xls, but are not currently supported by the rendering engine. Here is some information about our spoke length calculator. The database, while potentially useful hasn’t seen an update in quite some time as far as I can tell.

This caclulator should not currently be used to calculate spoke lengths for straight pull hubs. $750 (+$9.99) Race Bikes.

Cons: The available fields only allow for calculating one side of one wheel at a time. – Bike Rack Failure. – The Length of the Spoke (shown in the diagram below as “L3”) – The spoke gauge (shown below as “G”) Spoke Length Tolerance. $3500 (+$55.00) If you are interested in using an online spoke calculator based on the spocalc.xls program and database, there is one at this link:

But it make sense to try anyway. Discount Codes. Keep sharing. (Negative values do the opposite.).

The site allows you to enter all the data for a complete wheel set before calculating, and if you are a registered user you can save your measurements for future quick reference, and can email or print the results. $200 (+$3.99) I will keep looking, but I have two questions: 1) How precise do the spoke lengths … From $89.99. The obtained lengths are given according to the measurement you've input.

Wheeler is a perfectly basic spoke calculator app that has data fields allowing you to calculate both sides of the wheel at once, and also has the feature to save a wheel after you’ve measured it for future reference. $400 (+$5.99) It’s people that speak the language of these diagrams above that make all these fantastic toys we play with possible. Yes, there’s an app for that. Your assumption on d can only be the ERD in the circumstances. Whether you’re a professional bike mechanic or just an adventurous tinkerer looking to build your own bike wheels, finding out how to measure a hub and rim, and learning to calculate spoke length is crucial to building a wheel that is strong and reliable. Math never was my strongest avenue of expression in this world so I probably won’t stress to long over equations like this. Should Mountain Bikes Share The Trails With Motorcycles? The main advantage of this spoke calculator comes if you are building a wheel using DT Swiss’s excellent components. $500 (+$7.99) Cart 0. Email for questions or Dismiss, Use the Search Field to find products.

If you know the specs you can use this website, examples I contacted the web developer to point out this one problem with the app and he returned my email a day later to say that I had a good point and he will correct it ASAP. A positive value will move the entire hub to the right of center. Mountain Biker, Trail Builder and Bike Tech, Awesome Pice of Content, I am Regular Reader your Blog. The online spoke calculator provided by the United Bicycle Institute in Oregon has been my personal favourite spoke calculator for at least five years now. Australia's Fastest BMX Store! I think it is still to difficult for normal riders. Awesome! Effective Rim Diameter (mm) Flange Hole Circle (mm) Flange Spacing (mm) Doug MacmMakin.

We usually do a three cross lacing pattern for weight reduction and because of spoke length availability. It has pre-measured data for all DT hubs and rims, as well as spokes and nipples. 25T. As it turned out, The first wheel I measured spokes for using this calculator turned out wonderful so I kept coming back to it for all subsequent wheel builds. specify the number of spokes andcross pattern to calculate spoke length, A positive value will move left nipples to the left or right nipples to the right.

FYI: Alloy nipples do look great, but if you are going for strength you may want to select brass nipples.

If the spoke calculator already accounts for tension, then specify spoke length based on where you want the ends of the spokes … Auto will flip your rim to the strongest orientation. $6500 (+$95.00) $100 (+$1.50) At the first bike shop I worked in, we used the Wheelsmith spoke calculator. 0. If you buy your wheels pre-made from the factory they will very likely be better than building them yourself from different brands and various styles of parts. Does the new wheeler app’s reference to offset refer to the distance from hub center to right locknut, left locknut or is it center to flange? Cons: As of writing this article, (October 2013) there is just one caveat I have with the app. there is a spoke calculator where you put in all your hub measurements, hoop size, cross pattern youwant and it will do all the math for you.. figuring out some of the hub measurements can be tricky though.. ive build a dozen or so wheel sets mostly in cross 4 pattern, 194 pretty muchs works on any low flange 36 hole laced to a 20" hoop.. Looking for some new custom build wheels? I put the measurements into an online spoke calculator (on and it estimated 295mm and 293mm for the right and left side respectively. Easy Pay with Credit Card. Need some helping getting started building your first wheel. It is by no means the most user friendly spoke calculator I’m going to suggest, but works great and many professionals will swear by it. We do recommend that you tighten each nipple 1/2 or 1 turn should you spokes loosen up after some riding. It’s Okay to Use WD-40 on Your Bike Chain… Seriously.

By The inspire your blog I Recently start a blog.…, Loved my bike even though I ordered on Mothers day and received it in late July. Profile Elite Disc Hub on Spank Tweet Rims 26, Phil Wood BMX Wheels built with Chrome Sun Rhyno Lites 20" SOLD OUT, Bombshell Pump Expert Pedals Alloy Platform BMX, Bombshell Pump Pro Pedals Alloy Platform BMX Pedals Black, Staats Mini BMX Bike Complete BMX Race Bike, MKS BM-7 Pedals BM7 Old School Style Retro 80's repo. Bike Lock, Keyed 12mm Type #39566 (+$24.99)

Using these measurements, in addition to the ERD (Effective Rim Diameter) of the rim you intend to use, you can calculate, using the online spoke calculator from United Bicycle Institute (link), what length spoke you’ll need. Brass can get tighter without stripping and also last much longer than alloy nipples. Get it wrong, and all you’ll have is a real mess! Regarding d: For a symmetric wheel such as a front wheel with no disc brake, this is half the distance between the flanges. $10000 (+$145.00). $50.00 (+$0.75) The Park Black or Green Colored spoke wrench will fit the best with the nipples we use. will not be found on eBay or Amazon. ),

This spoke calculator by Damon Rinard differs from the other two spoke calculators mentioned previously in this post. Federal AMG Guard Sprocket.

Required fields are marked *, Discounted Priority Shipping on most $50.00 and up orders. Pros: A fast, accurate, simple and lightweight spoke calculator app for your android phone.

Please take the time to ensure that your hub and rim measurements are accurate. The Cricket – A Cure for “Bike Separation Anxiety”. 28T. There is also a version named SpocalcExpress that does away with the database leaving you with just a simple set of fields to generate spoke length one side at a time.