Check the axle thread for damage. You should remove your trucks before you start to clean your board. Share if you find it useful. A temporary solution is to use oil such as WD-40. Moving on, place all of the bearings back into the wheels and then place the wheels back onto the skateboard. You can not skate if your bushings or hanger are cracked. Then, your cleaning work of bearings is completed. If you have any idea, let us know by leaving a comment. Check the bushings for cracks. But with dirty trucks and bearings, you may not be happy that much because the issue can make your skateboard to perform slowly, even lead to the damage. In case you have not a skateboard, let’s start by learning how to build your own complete skateboard. Keep the bearings in the liquid for at least one hour before leaving them outside. Make sure the kingpin is facing outward, If the kingpin is not properly reinstalled, the trucks will fail to perform properly. Let's start cleaning the bearings. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. First of all, you need to disassemble the bearings from your skateboard. You have better not pay too much attention to the dirty that your skateboard gets after that, since it is an essential part anyone may suffer. The dirt on deck, as a result, may not affect too much to skateboarding's experience. However, for your first ride after maintenance, be careful since your skateboarder may be quicker.

Use your fingers to fully loosen and remove the nuts from the bolts. You can use any kind of cup, paper or plastic, but not styrofoam. In addition, as you may know, skateboarders usually consider any scratch on their decks as a trophy of achieving a trick. Remove the bolts from the factory drilled holes on the deck. Sometimes you may save an amount of money for this. Now you’ve completed the guide ‘How to clean and maintain skate/longboard trucks. Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. Pour some oil on a towel, wipe off the dust. Watch this video to learn how to take apart, lubricate, and the put back together your trucks. Clean all the parts, remove sand and dust, and see if you can remove some of the rust. © 2020 iFixit — Licensed under Creative Commons — Privacy —

The trucks on your skateboard are it's only piece of connective material, and keeping them clean and lubricated is absolutely crucial to having good rides. Do again with the other side of the bearings. The tightness of the Trucks (the metal "axle" assembly) controls how easy or …

Besides, excessing oil situation of the bearings may cause oily wheels, lead to the dangerous ride. Keep doing this work until you see the liquid is quite clear. Watch this video to learn how to take apart, lubricate, and the put back together your trucks. It helps to keep your wheels clean later. Wax is another thing you can use to get rid of the annoying squeaks. Mix a bucket of water with a couple of drops of a mild... 3.

Pour some oil on a towel, wipe off the dust. This can also solve the noise problem of your truck for a period of time. When the work is complete, we ensure that your skateboard will roll much smoother than before. You can use any type of cream/ oil available on the market, we suggest Bones Speed Cream,  Teflon or Remoil. The only solution is to get the new ones. Now you’ve completed the guide ‘How to clean and maintain skate/longboard trucks. • Your dirty bearings (usually in a set of 8), • Clean rags (you can use paper towels instead), • Skateboard speed cream (for example: Teflon, Remoil and so on.). If your bearings are full of dirt and grime, the oil may turn black. Like bearings, a clean truck not only improves your skateboard performance but also lengthen its lifespan. Clean the bearing one by one by using the towel, remember to do this step carefully to ensure all grime to be got rid of. The 200+ Best, Hidden & Most Powerful Features & Changes for iPhone, 22 Things You Need to Know About iOS 14's Newly Redesigned Widgets for iPhone, Best New iOS 14 Home Screen Widgets & The Apps You Need, 13 Exciting New Features in Apple Photos for iOS 14, 9 Ways iOS 14 Improves Siri on Your iPhone, 16 New Apple Maps Features for iPhone in iOS 14, 19 Hidden New Features in iOS 14's Accessibility Menu, Every New Feature iOS 14 Brings to the Home App on Your iPhone. Spin your bearings and take them apart, then clean them with rags or paper towels. Replace the nuts and washers if necessary.

To clean it, you don't need to remove the baseplates, just disassemble the kingpin nut from the kingpin. It is noticeable that cleaning the skateboard is not a regular maintenance work. Cleaning bearing makes your skateboard faster. When you find out that your skateboard is slow and has some annoying squeaks, firstly try to do above maintenance work and lubricate its bearings and truck. The trucks on your skateboard are it's only piece of connective material, and keeping them clean and lubricated is absolutely crucial to having good rides. Do not just use the paper towel to remove the excess oil, check to make sure that you also get remove of any sand, grime or general dirt that may be lurking within the bearings.

Water that gets on... 2. Missing or improperly installed parts could lead to injury of yourself or others. Note that the bolts are small and easy to lose track of. Clean the trucks with a moist cloth or cleaning solution. Nuts are small and easy to lose track of. After taking your bearings from the cup of oil, put them on the surface of the paper towel. Before riding, as a final precaution, make sure every piece is securely fastened and the trucks are facing the correct way. Next, have the parts reassembled and your skateboard is ready to be on road.

Trucks and bearings are the two main parts of a skateboard that any skateboarder should take into consideration. Put your bearings on top of 2 layers of paper towels, remove the shields if any. How to clean skateboard trucks? Have fun and always wear a helmet! Next, have the parts reassembled and your skateboard is ready to be on road. Wax is another thing you can use to get rid of the annoying squeaks. This installation guide will have you ripping up the roads in 20 minutes or less! Cleaning a Longboard Skateboard Deck 1. Clean the thread before you re-attach the kingpin nut. Continue to clean the dirty axles by using clean paper towels. We highly recommend you to do this maintenance work outside in order to protect your house from getting grease smell.

We suggest WD-40 as the lubricant in this case since this type can clean the old lubricant of the previous time of maintenance. Before riding, as a final precaution, make sure every piece is securely fastened and the trucks are facing the correct way. The sooner you clean your board, the quicker you may go. Next step is to take the hanger and bushings apart from the baseplates. As a result, learning how to clean a skateboard is important in case you would like yours is always in good condition. Clean the deck with a moist cloth or cleaning solution. Continue to clean the dirty axles by using clean paper towels. Replacing the trucks of your skateboard is simple, and you only need the ability to use simple tools! For this installation you will need a phillips or flathead screwdriver. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to One thing that you should keep in mind is that the dirt hidden inside the bearings is the main reason causing the slow speed of your board. Over tightening the bolts can cause them to strip. This is not too difficult to do, but if it is your first time, you may need some help. The bolts should be slightly submerged in the wood of the deck. Be sure when you are removing and reinstalling hardware that you pay close attention to individual components. Spinning after that is highly recommended to make all the bearing covering by oil.

Your longboard should look like the picture. Pour an amount of the lubricant into the cup, ensure it is enough that you can put a set of 8 bearings into it. After re-installing the trucks, check and confirm the kingpin is facing outward. Adjusting the Trucks. After re-installation, check and confirm that all the bolts and nuts are tight. You only need to do these works in case you realize that somehow your skateboard doesn't perform as well as usual. 1.Use a skate tool to remove 4 axel nuts and 2 kingpin nuts from the trucks. Next step is smoothing the bearings by dropping some oil or speed cream to each bearing. This can also solve the noise problem of your truck for a period of time. In this case, you have better replace the new amount of oil and do it again. Use your hands to remove the trucks from the deck.

Accessibility, Longboard or Skateboard Truck Maintenance, Colorado Springs, Team 6-2, Mcmichael Fall 2015. Clean the hardware by either soaking it in cleaning solution, or by manually cleaning it with a moist cloth.