GSG is basically two rows of Half Persian 3-1 Sheet 6; if you know how to make that, you can make GSG with little additional difficulty. You will receive an email with a link to the download. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. All Rights Reserved. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. This product is electronically distributed. It’s very similar to Persian Dragonscale in that it’s two chains of Half Persian 3-1 connected with European 4-1. If you do though, have any problems with the download, please contact us and we will be happy to help you sort it out. Chain Maille ... No Longer Just For Knights. Level: Beginner Turkish Orbital Chainmaille Tutorials. GSG is basically two rows of Half Persian 3-1 Sheet 6; if you know how to make that, you can make GSG with little additional difficulty. 25 of The Amazing Bedroom Color Schemes You Should add to Wishlist!! 2 pairs of pliers & beading mat. PDF: this file will be available for you once you have completed your order and payment has cleared. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. WEAVE BACKGROUND GSG is based on Half Persian 3-1 Sheet 6.

Home Tutorials & Kits Tutorials PDF Tutorials European Family Vertebrae Bracelet Tutorial PDF. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Half Persian 3-1 can be extended into Half Persian Sheet 5, Half Persian Sheet 6 and GSG. 2 pairs of pliers & beading mat. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Please make sure you save it to your computer as the link is good for one use. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. joshua diliberto chainmaille chainmail weave index tome of weaves pattern chain maille Chainmaille by Joshua Diliberto: Chainmaille University Home Supplies University Finished Product Contact CODE: TUT:AM:BRC:VERT. Join with Deb from Aussie Maille as she demonstrates how to create the chain maille weave, Captive Inverted Round.You can buy all components at our store create this weave we suggest the following:14G(1.6mm) 5/16\"(7.94mm) OR 16G(1.2mm) 1/4\"(6.35mm)ID OR18G(1.0mm) 3/16\"(4.76mm)ID OR20G(0.8mm) 5/32\"(3.97mm)ID You could also try:14G(1.6mm) 8.50mm OR16G(1.2mm) 6.25mmID OR18G(1.0mm) 5.25mmID OR20G(0.8mm) 4.25mmID 2 pairs of smooth jawed pliers: The Xuron Pliers used in the tutorial are the Chisel and Short Flat Nosed.Aimed at Experienced Beginner Maillers Visit our Store to purchase all supplies: us on:Facebook Business Page: Group: weave submission on M.A.I.L (Maille Artisans International League) website credited to Lorenzo

Aluminium, Copper (enamelled). TUTORIAL INFORMATION. 18+ Amazing Corner Kitchen Sink Ideas to Get Spacious Kitchen Concept. Chain Maille Tutorial - Captive Inverted Round Weave - YouTube Rings & Findings. Format: Downloadable PDF. It’s generally considered the ‘easier younger sibling’ to Half Persian 4-1. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. WEAVE BACKGROUND GSG is based on Half Persian 3-1 Sheet 6. Since there are fewer …, Read moreGreat Southern Gathering or GSG Chainmaille Tutorial, WEAVE BACKGROUND I invented this weave while playing with Tetra-Orbs.

Tested for: Aluminium, Copper (enamelled) You will need: Rings & Findings. …, Read moreTurkish Orbital Chainmaille Tutorials, WEAVE BACKGROUND Dragonback Chainmail is a weave by Fenrir. Here are some suggestions for rings sizes that will work for this tutorial. …, Read moreHalf Persian 4-1 Chainmaille Tutorial. This weave combines elements of Turkish Round, Inverted Round and orbital rings. It is recommended that you be familiar with these, or at least take a look at how they’re constructed. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Getting the hang of weaving it is tricky, but it’s worth it.

Vertebrae Bracelet Tutorial PDF $ 6.00 inc GST.

Difficulty: Beginner. The hardest part of weaving Half Persian 4-1, in my opinion, is getting the initial ring positions correct. These directions are for your personal use only. For a more complete listing of weaves and their statistics please see our Maille Library.

However, the two chains differ in where they connect the HP3-1 chains. Written for: Right Handers. © 2020 Aussie Maille. Since there are fewer … Read more Great Southern Gathering or GSG Chainmaille Tutorial. These cookies do not store any personal information. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish.

Prerequisite: None but experience with European 4in1 would help 25+ Best Basement Home Theater Ideas – Ready to Entertain Your Family, 25+ Antique White Kitchen Cabinets With Beautiful and Elegant Design, 20 Amazing Way to Remodel Basement Laundry Room (Impressive Ideas). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You will need: AR & …, Read moreHalf Persian 3-1 Chainmaille Tutorial, WEAVE BACKGROUND Half Persian 4-1 is a dang sexy weave.

Categories Chainmaille. Tested for: If you stare …, Read moreDragonback Chainmaille Tutorials, WEAVE BACKGROUND Half Persian 3-1 is a good weave for cabochon wraps, among other things. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The files are not to be used for teaching purposes, redistributed in any manner (printed or electronic) or reposted to any other internet site. Project: Bracelet. If you are looking for a kit, we have Complete Kits available in our Kits Section. Great Southern Gathering or GSG Chainmaille Tutorial.