Artist, Thomas Nast portrays that not only is America trying to stop the anti-Chinese violence, but that the only way the Chinese can protected and safe is separated from the people of America. How about make it original at only $13.9/page? By clicking “Write my paper”, you agree to our. (2016, Sep 18). The Chinese were also underestimated and seen as uneducated. During the late 1800s, The Gilden Age was in full effect. The Chinese felt more comfortable and protected going back to their homes across the pond than what homes they made in the United States through hard work and opportunity.

Many Chinese felt that their opportunities were still better than in China. Although, attitudes towards the Chinese was not always discriminating and hostile, limitations grew and Chinese immigrants became unwelcome. One of the narratives to justify this measure was that Chinese workers cause economic ills and declining wages, even if they only represented less than a percent of the population. Efforts were made to ban Chinese immigration, and a bill was passed in 1879. One of the first significant pieces of federal legislation aimed at restricting immigration was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which banned Chinese laborers from coming to America. Americans banned any sort of legal citizenship and immigration to appease the jealous society of the West. They worked on the Transcontinental Railroad, more commonly as replacements for fellow Irishmen, Germans, Englishmen, or Italians who were unreliable for miscellaneous reasons. By 1878, courts ruled that any Chinese man couldn’t be naturalized. Students examine a labor union flyer, newspaper article, congressional testimony, and a Chinese American merchant's letter. It was the first law in the United States that restricted immigrants with a detailed agenda. The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed on May 6th, 1882, and it was the first significant law restricting immigration into the United States, especially to a specific race/ethnicity. Why did Americans pass the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act?.

Tensions rose between the two groups once the railroad was finished in 1869. By 1852 25,000 Chinese had already, between the common good and individual rights. Competition with American workers and a growing nativism brought pressure for restrictive action, which began with the Act of May 6, 1882 (22 Stat. Within one year of the act being passed the Chinese immigration dropped from 40,000 to 23,000. It was vetoed, by President Hayes, because it violated the Burlingame Treaty. This relates to the, Qcf641 Conforming to General Health, Safety and Welfare in the Workplace. After the Decade of Crisis, when thousands of settlers came to the West in search of gold, Get Your Custom Essay on. After some time, an Exclusion Act was passed by the United States to keep the Chinese from immigrating. The Chinese argued that their work was fair, hard, and respectable work that had no resemblance to slavery, and demanded a high market price. Document A: Anti-Chinese Play, 1879, The Chinese Must Go, states that a Chinese man thinks white men are foolish for having families and less money for themselves. Regarding Chinese immigration, they immigrated to the United States from 1849 to 1882. When the United States enacted the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Act exposed their inner worry of not being the best; the Act also showed the “racist”/prejudice side of the people who preach “Liberty and Justice for all”. Chinese Immigration Essay ... Chinese Immigration Every ... Why did Americans pass the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act? From 1882 to 1943 the United States Government severely curtailed immigration from China to the United States.

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 restricted the wave of Chinese immigration that had begun earlier in the century and was the first U.S. law to restrict immigration based on national origin. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. Legislation ensured Chinese remained, port of entry collected the head tax from immigrants while "Chinese Inspectors" enforced the Chinese Exclusion Act. Americans passed the Chinese Exclusion Act because they felt that exclusion was the only protection for the Chinese. The reversal of the Burlingame Treaty and enactment of the Chinese Exclusion Act was a manifestation of the xenophobic conflicts over Chinese immigration, and, immigrants, came the Chinese. But how can they make this country their home as matters now are! 1.