Peekskill School District Receives $500K from NYS Integration Grant, Phelps Hospital’s Virtual Ball Honors Phelps Family of Healthcare Heroes, Irvington High School Students Recognized as Positive Influencers, The U.S. Army Sponsors “Answer the Call” Campaign in Mid-Atlantic Region, Exhibit Isabelle SCHELTJENS @ Canfin Gallery, The Ground Glass Road Show – An Outdoor Photography Exhibit. Sunday, October 4: Nate Frederick (Tarrytown, NY) – Prayer and Well-being: A Spiritual Adventure, Sunday, October 11: Giulia Nesi Tetreau (Ridgefield, CT) – A Spiritual Revolution: The Quest to Experience God, Sunday, October 18: Melanie Wahlberg (Englewood, NJ) – Never Alone: How Spiritual Ideas Work in Us, Sunday, October 25: Lyle Young (Eighth Church, NYC) – Christian Science: A Clearer View of You, Sunday, November 1: Philip Hockley (New Canaan, CT) – A New View of God and its Effect on Well-being, Sunday, November 8: Mary Bothwell (Southampton, NY) – Experiencing Heaven Now, For more information regarding these broadcasts, contact: With a diverse background in news, acting, writing and radio, he entertains and captivates audiences across multiple platforms.
As soon as Lou Adler replaced Peter Roberts and the music was eliminated, Rambling With Gambling became a loathsome borefest of blather, something guaranteed to be soporific and a non-medical cure for insomnia. The Series, entitled Spiritual Solutions to Today’s Challenges, will include eight talks by Christian Science lecturers and practitioners on eight consecutive Sunday evenings. WOR is owned by Buckley Broadcasting. You can add your own comment to this channel by using the form below. All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.Any usage on RadioLineup is protected under the fair use provisions of the law. Eight Christian Science churches in the tri-state area are sponsoring a series of live radio programs to be broadcast on WOR, 710-AM, beginning on Sunday evening, October 4 from 8:00 – 9:00 P.M. Hosted by George Noory Guest(s): John Hogue, Kim Chestney. WWOR schedule and local TV listings. The station is licensed to New York, NY and is part of that radio market. All lectures will air live each Sunday at 8 pm on WOR 710 AM on your radio dial or on your computer, mobile device at
Bring back Shep!By: Anonymous on January 7, 2012, It was good when the Father and Grandfather of the present John Raymond(or is his initial, R, for Repetitive or Repulsive?
Or Becky Shelby: 1-(314) 753-5677, Your email address will not be published. Sports, music, news and podcasts. First Half: Authority on the great seer Nostradamus, John Hogue returns to update his prophecy alarm. 1 | Scheduled He answers listener calls and interviews health authorities on a wide range of medical topics. 3rd Floor In fact, I think John The Father and dear old Lou managed to bore each other on more than one occasion back in the 80s. WOR (710 AM) Saturday 7:30am to 9am; InVite's Radio Show; Sunday 2pm to 3pm; WLIB (1190 AM) Wednesday-Friday 10am to 11am; Sales: (800) 632-0541 Customer Service: 9AM - … ©2020 FM / Radio Lineup is your guide to local radio stations across the United States. Tune in to this podcast to listen to news and... Christian Science Sentinel - Radio Edition. 710 WOR - New York, NY - Listen to free internet radio, news, sports, music, and podcasts. Coast to Coast AM is overnight talk radio with daytime ratings. )Gambling, played some music and had some really amusing repartée with Peter Roberts. The first of these talks, entitled Prayer and Well-being: A Spiritual Adventure, (Sunday, October 4) will be presented by Christian Science lecturer and practitioner, Nate Frederick of Boothbay, Maine. George Noory, host of the nationally syndicated programCoastto Coast AM, says if he wasn’ta nationalradio talk show host,he’d be in politics. Podcast of the lectures will be available through November 22 on the Spiritual Solutions page of WOR website and on the iHeart Media app. When at home in Maine, in addition to nurturing his successful healing practice, Nate is a devoted husband and father, an avid cook, musician, and sea kayaker. Limbaugh and his partners launched The Rush Limbaugh Show on August 1, 1988, with 56 radio... Start your weekend with a smile as Joe Bartlett gets your Saturdays running with the WOR Saturday Morning Show.