If you have any questions about this guide or if you need custom advise for your research on ‘International Arbitration’, please don't hesitate to ask the librarian: h.thijssen@ppl.nl, Zitting van de trust-milliardairs van Wallstreet, The Peace Palace Library holds a unique collection of poster, engravings, photographs, cartoons and maps. However, there are a variety of electronic databases and print reporters that publish arbitral awards. Bilateral Investment Treaties ("BITs") are treaties between two countries that often contain clauses allowing foreign investors to require international arbitration of some categories of investment disputes with the state in which the foreign investment has been made. The news articles are compiled into newsletters which can be downloaded as pdfs. The remainder of Volume I provides a substantive overview of the different aspects of an international arbitration, including choice of law and enforcement issues. 301, from HeinOnline, available to the CLS community). JX1 As12.
If Mr Beyonce wins his argument that an arbitration clause should be struck down for lack of … Core Collection K7690 .B67 2009. The articles, from ICSID Review, Arbitration International, and the Journal of International Dispute Settlement, are free to read online until March 2019.
Please note that the chart maybe slightly out-of-date, as the ICC, AAA/ICDR, SCCAI and UNICITRAL rules have been amended since the chart was published in 2008. The SCC Arbitration rules are available in English, Swedish, Russian, and Chinese, but the English version is the official version. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Recent arbitral decisions are available in English or French in .pdf format. Franck, S.D.
4th Floor & Offsite Storage.
Finally, the parties to the dispute traditionally select the arbitrators to hear the dispute--which allows for the selection of arbitrators well versed in the subject-matter of the dispute at issue. The following is a list (and links to) some of the major international arbitration bodies: 1. International Chamber of Commerce (“ICC”). Includes two modules: International Law in the EU Courts and International Trade Law Decisions.
Abstract: This paper argues that arbitration is not intrinsically efficient but may be efficient by design. ICA is a method of resolving disputes through an arbitration proceeding heard by one or more arbitrators, instead of pursuing resolution of the dispute through an applicable court system.
The abstracts are published intermittently and are made available in the six official UN languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. The awards are published in English and French (and normally both)--with footnotes stating when the translation has been done by the United Nations Secretariat. Brody K. Greenwald and Jennifer A. Ivers. JX1 J7825.
For additional assistance in finding ICA materials at the library, please do not hesitate to contact the reference librarians at the Reference Desk.
Abstract: This issue features innovation and disruption in international arbitration. Database of international comparative guides to law and regulation.
Replacing the Geneva Protocol and Geneva Convention is the United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, otherwise known as the New York Convention. 72467690-Procedures-of-Alternate-Dispute-Resolution.pdf.
Copies of the rules (2012) in a variety of languages (including English, Chinese and Arabic) are available on the SCC website. 7.
This convention was entered into in 1975 among the United States and most South American nations. Institutional arbitration bodies can choose to administer arbitrations dealing with a particular subject matter. Abstract: This article attempts to offer a new perspective to the existing debate concerning the applicable standard of attorney-client privilege in international commercial and investment arbitration. Ahead of the ICDR-AAA/ICC/ICSID 35th Annual Joint Colloquium on International Arbitration on the 7th December 2018 in Washington D.C., Oxford University Press curated an article collection focusing on the theme of this year's event: 'Advancing Innovation in International Arbitration'. UNCTAD provides a database of information regarding arbitral awards (concluded or pending) that one can browse or search. This regulation deals with the issue of enforcement of arbitral decisions for members of the European Union.
2. A research o how to increase financial security in all banking systems. On Wednesday January 28, 2015, the fourth of a series of Lectures on Peacebuilding in Progress was held at the Academy Building of the Peace Palace, The Hague. Abstract: This article will focus on the expansion of expectations of the arbitrator in the cognate fields of international commercial arbitration and investment treaty arbitration. Arbitration trials don’t always result in equal justice. Bookman, P., “The Arbitration-Litigation Paradox” (September 21, 2018). Volume II includes chapters on the substance of arbitration agreements as well as the selection of arbitrators and the procedure for challenging arbitrators. This convention is also known as the ICSID Convention or the Washington Convention of 1965. This is a collection of postings from 2011 by SCOTUSBlog contributors about the topic of arbitration, focusing specifically on the 2011 Supreme Court case of. There is also a Table of Cases and subject index. Part of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law website, this is a freely accessible database of court decisions and arbitral awards relating to: Decisions and awards are collected by national correspondents of each state that is a party to one of the conventions listed above and/or has adopted legislation based on one of the model laws listed above.
Also available electronically (1984 to present) through Pegasus. It contains a wealth of commentary from expert authors and an extensive collection of primary source materials, including ICC materials. 5.
China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ("CIETAC"). For international investment arbitration see the Research Guide on Foreign Direct Investment. Oprah Winfrey spoke about the women of the #MeToo movement as she accepted a lifetime achievement award at the Golden Globes. Not only have inter-governmental organizations like the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law supported the view that judges and advocates should rely ... Loizou, S., “Establishing the Content of the Applicable Law in International Arbitration” (August 3, 2019), in F. Ferrari and S. Kröll (eds.
The Principles and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration, Private International Law and Arbitration (v. 1), Jack J. Coe, Jr. and Donald Earl Childress (eds. 313/2019. In other words, the arbitrators are selected by the parties to the dispute (although often confirmed by the institutional body and sometimes the arbitrators are chosen by the institutional body), but the arbitrators are not part of the institutional body itself. The World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”) offers a variety of dispute resolution services, including arbitration, that focus on intellectual property. Swiss Chambers' Arbitration Institution (SCAI). Kluwer also has a blog with posts by practitioners and scholars in the ICA field. But it's not quite the 'game changer' some observers claim it to be. Brekoulakis, S., “Rethinking Consent in International Commercial Arbitration: A General Theory for Non-signatories”. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. (eds). The contributions, from a variety of arbitration scholars, report on current developments, predict future trends, and assesses their impact from a practical, legal, and technical point of view. [. The ProQuest database (available to the Columbia University community) may be especially helpful for finding news articles regarding ICA. The heart of the matter. ), Principles of Evidence in Public International Law as Applied by Investor-State Tribunals: Burden and Standard of Proof, Procedure Shopping through Hybrid Arbitration Agreements: Considerations on Party Autonomy in Institutional International Arbitration, Protection of Legitimate Expectations in Investment Treaty Arbitration: A Theory of Detrimental Reliance, Rules of Evidence in International Arbitration: An Annotated Guide, Shifting Paradigms in International Investment Law: More Balanced, Less Isolated, Increasingly Diversified, The Use of Economics in International Trade and Investment Disputes, Marion Jansen, Joost Pauwelyn and Theresa Carpenter (eds. The Court of Arbitration of Sport deals with sports-related disputes. Greece might have cause to stop it. 2, Article 5 (pp. The series publishes books of quality and originality on subjects of practical importance in modern international arbitration, focusing on emerging topics. Arbitration awards and documents related to arbitration proceedings can be notoriously difficult to find. Global Arbitration Review is the leading resource on international arbitration news and community intelligence. The database also includes a variety of documents--arbitration agreements, legislation, awards and cases that can be browsed or searched. In fact, in two arbitrations brought ... Schultz, T., “The Ethos of Arbitration” (June 17, 2019), in T. Schultz and F. Ortino (eds. Efforts to build a more effective trading regime between Europe and the USA can reasonably be called positive, both for growth and the ease of doing business. Zarra, G., “The Doctrine of Punitive Damages and International Arbitration” (February 2017). Volume 2 contains information and commentary on national arbitration institutions, normally with the applicable rules for such institution attached as an appendix.
5. Specifically, this study encompasses ... Tzeng, P., “Self-Appointment in International Arbitration” (July, 2019), Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law, Forthcoming. As satisfying as it may seem to announce that you’ll see your adversary in court, a good lawyer may be duty bound to tell you otherwise. As the Qantas dispute moves into the arbitration phase in Fair Work Australia (FWA), it is timely to consider whether the tests for access to arbitration under the Fair Work Act need refining. Franz Jantzen/Public Information Office Supreme Court of the U.S. via AP. Surprise medical bills are the scourge of patients. (eds.). An estoppel would preclude the party opposing enforcement from relitigating issues that ... Yates, C.R., "Manifest Disregard in International Commercial Arbitration: Whether Manifest Disregard Holds, However Good, Bad, or Ugly" (May 31, 2018), University of Massachusetts Law Review, 13 (2018), No. For ease of searching, there is a subject index for arbitral awards.