“I wanted to tell you something… But I didn’t think I would run into you so soon,” Jayfeather confessed. Jayfeather emerged from the medicine cats’ den just as Wolffeather was padding over to the warrior’s den. We might need more, like a lot more, cobwebs,” Leafpool murmured, half to her, as she stood up and twitched her ear, hearing Whitewing stirring in the mossy bed next to her and Wolffeather. “We also would like to know if any of your kin was in the clans besides right now,” Firestar meowed, meeting Wolffeather’s yellow gaze. “Hawkfrost was actually going to be my mate, even though we were kin. I would like to get more training with fighting. Hollypaw is a young ThunderClan apprentice around seven moons old. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. The medicine cat falls in love with the leader and gets her pregnant. “Good job with not making noise with those bushes,” Jayfeather snapped at her, as her paws pressed into his shoulders. We should continue this conversation else where though. It felt like forever, you know? “I think we should get it over with right now,” Firestar mused.

Her mother wants justice but Hollypaw is too embarrassed to tell anyone. Co-Founder. Lionblaze went to go get some rest, since he was going to go on the sunhigh patrol and after that a hunting patrol with Wolffeather. Mumbling, he sat up and saw Cloudtail. “I believe his name was Tiger,” Wolffeather muttered out the name, as she licked her chest fur. Her expression was completely gone. Skypaw is just like any normal apprentice. We tend to keep kin to ourselves. He didn’t utter a word, as Brambleclaw held his breath, and panic struck through Sandstorm like she had just seen a thousand badgers sitting in front of her. Cursed Eclipse - The Story Between Eclipse/Breaking Dawn, Only Fish Should Swim (SuigetsuNoari Oneshot), Warriors: Omen of the Stars: The Fourth Apprentice. I remember it was where I slept when I was with my mother, Night. “I don’t know if I want to do anything like that right now. “Anyway, we need to ask you one more thing,” Firestar continued, his tail wrapped over his forepaws again. At least, until she figures out she is pregnant! Create your own unique website with customizable templates. “Get off me!” Jayfeather screeched, pushing Wolffeather off with his hind feet, sending a blow to her stomach. if you're not interested in such a thing, i'll politely ask you to just kindly leave! She was beaten up, called names, rejected, and hated on for simply being different. Did you know she joined ShadowClan?” Wolffeather mewed in disbelief, seeing as her own mother wouldn’t want her to join this clan with her. He padded over to join Wolffeather, as she lazily stretched out on the rocks to bask in the Sun’s warm rays of Newleaf. Brambleclaw just nodded to his leader and sprang away, heading towards the clan’s camp.

Hollypaw is a young ThunderClan apprentice around seven moons old. She practiced walking, even though she was still limping a little. “I have an uncle. Leafpool picked them up, and then set them at Wolffeather’s paws. So now if anybody is having issues with submitting, note one of us and we'll try to help. What do you mean ‘the town’?” Firestar mewed, cocking his head to the side. Before he left, he turned and meowed, “Nice catch,” as he passed by the half-buried mouse on the outskirt of the sandy training area. “Jayfeather and Lionblaze?” Wolffeather asked, sitting down next to Brambleclaw. She's barely out of the nursery herself. Thanks Guys!

“Yes, they are our grandchildren,” Firestar nodded as Sandstorm confirmed. A beautiful she-cat,” Firestar meowed, his eyes filled with sorrow.

“I-I… Didn’t think… Tigerstar… Had any other kin,” Wolffeather mewed, taking deep breaths between each few words. “Well, my mother Night is in ShadowClan, which you know. The brave Medicine Cat, GaleBreeze has passed on to StarClan. “Wow, well done, Wolffeather,” A familiar mew sounded from behind her. “Do you recall her name?” Firestar asked, running his tail along her spine. “Yes, I know. “Jayfeather?” Both Firestar and Brambleclaw questioned at the same time, shooting each other a quick sideways glance.

Browse through and read warrior cat fanfiction stories and books . Huh?” Wolffeather hissed, rearing back onto her two hind-paws. Icefeather's Journey (Warrior Cat FanFic) 72.6K 3.8K 1.2K *thoroughly editing* Icefeather's story was a story untold - until now. I bet she would even save you,” Lionblaze mocked Cloudtail, just a little. Wolffeather padded over and sat next to him.

“Yeah, I know where that is. “Yes, unfortunately, it was her. “We just want to help you. Well, if you would excuse me, I have to go on a hunting patrol with…” Lionblaze stopped mid-sentence as Wolffeather licked his muzzle in a comforting manor. Hissing, Wolffeather jumped over Jayfeather and placed her paw on his throat, since he hadn’t stood up yet. “Well, at least we got that out of the way,” Brambleclaw muttered, as Wolffeather stood and shook her pelt, sand flying all over the place. “Alright, I guess that works with me,” Wolffeather nodded.

“I stepped into a big pile of thorns! She turned and saw Lionblaze coming in with the Moonhigh patrol. “Oh, it’s good. “W-What clans did they join?” Firestar stuttered out. The two sequels tell what happens after Hollypaw, now named Hollyshine, becomes a warrior alongside her kits. Mothwing is a medicine cat though,” Firestar placed his paw next to Wolffeather’s. “Town?