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This is a quick multiple-choice worksheet that I give my students after they read the story of Demeter and Persephone in Edith Hamilton's Mythology (Chapter 2). �%66��\!� >CK,[�h���Q.���h?ʼn. Demeter and Persephone has been lost, the following version seeks to approximate the original by employing the surviving clues and evidence. 0000086416 00000 n /FontBBox [-568 -307 2000 1007] g�A?p���@�1��rݍ�䨃�>#�������nQnQ�B 0000074750 00000 n

0000126884 00000 n 0000116388 00000 n 0000097994 00000 n 0000098879 00000 n

0000096665 00000 n

0000123608 00000 n

0000117474 00000 n

/Length 659 0000125143 00000 n

0000128542 00000 n Effects can also lead to more results later on. /F40 24 0 R 0000113959 00000 n

0000122050 00000 n 0000083597 00000 n /LastChar 103 0000017369 00000 n

0000003390 00000 n More than one cause can pro-duce a single effect. >>

/Type /FontDescriptor 0000033047 00000 n

0000086946 00000 n 0000086500 00000 n She stood by the River Cyane, where Hades had cleft6 the earth and gone down into his own dominions. 0000116351 00000 n << 0000123645 00000 n >> 0000046021 00000 n This extremely ancient and widely revered sacred story of mother and daughter long predates the Judeo-Christian deification of father and son. /F20 14 0 R /Ascent 891 >> 0000113996 00000 n 0000004834 00000 n The Myth of Demeter and Persephone There once was no winter. 0000097007 00000 n %PDF-1.5 0000112661 00000 n endobj /F10 9 0 R h�|TkLSg~��i� �2`-"���F�����E���9�C6d��x`P�x�&E�ʥ�"`[(�ܴ��#�.ns8'�p���,q�p��e_�af3>ɗs����>���| �� ~ �� �!ǜ(���U�� ���;k"щ�"7˿��-�ל�y{��O��ݳ;�Ý��E9��i�0#�ٗ�C�����D�#��e���&���u�xʼn���#��� ��Uk�)*�h[��u���顾����mں˙�V{�����_r�������J��lSKu��5���v����ŏ/i��+�}���io��\묽{�Y�o����pqgs��G��X����5��a����Il�ZX4<2z�T[��Nv����=���쮫o�W����P��N���MU]�� 0000099030 00000 n 0000007825 00000 n 0000016384 00000 n 0000086603 00000 n 5 0 obj Atlast, worn out and despairing, the goddess returned to Sicily. 0000087083 00000 n 0000009794 00000 n

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0000003473 00000 n Nowa river nymph had seen him carry off his prize. /F30 19 0 R 0000098993 00000 n 0000110615 00000 n 0000108581 00000 n /FontName /TimesNewRomanPSMT

0000112698 00000 n

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4 0 obj From end to end of the earth Demeter sought her daughter.

/Flags 32 0000017912 00000 n G 0000106020 00000 n 0000021177 00000 n 0000087442 00000 n

Oh, it was true that Zeus was the king of all the gods and goddesses, but she controlled the hearts of everything; everything on the earth, everything in the sea, everything in the sky. 0000120753 00000 n <<

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Demeter and Persephone Reading Skill A cause is an event, an action, or a feeling that makes something hap-pen. 0000030473 00000 n 0000122013 00000 n x�]��n�@��=��e� /ToUnicode 7 0 R A single cause sometimes produces several effects. >> /Encoding 5 0 R

0000106057 00000 n 0000015547 00000 n She saw man and woman, god and goddess dancing to her tune.

0000069071 00000 n endobj 0000097541 00000 n


0000003602 00000 n 0000098464 00000 n

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