Phoenix Dive – A good gap closer that costs 1 AP and is excellent for the beginning of battles. Remember to always save 1 AP at the end of each turn for a defensive skill if you need it, or a utility skill to setup your next turn if you are not in danger. Je nachdem, wir ihr euch nun verhaltet, übergibt euch Spitzsterz die Orangen und vor allem die darin enthaltenen Drudanae sowie 250 Erfahrungspunkte, die ihr Griff geben könnt. There’s different types of companions to suit your needs, so there’s a little something for everyone. If I use Dual Wield instead of Two-Handed, will it affect anything? My advice: stay away from fextralife builds. He knows how to play the Game and how to build a Character around a Theme but he has no Clue, what a good Build is.

As of February 1st, 2018 now deals physical damage. But that leaves the fourth slot. It’s either that or build Fane as a rogue, which doesn’t excite me as much as this build. Least towards the mid to end-game. Use this to CC enemies that have low Physical Armour, preferably 2 or more at a time.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 has been out for several months now, and I have made Build after Build Guide trying to come up with new and interesting ways for you all to play party members, trying to capitalize on the fantastic gameplay that Larian has designed. It'd be bonkers if it could. You’ll want to take this Talent during Character Creation in order to get the most use of it during the game.

» Nebenquest: Der Albtraum jeder Mutter It’s like the whole build is just about preserving magic armor and not losing phys armor so you don’t get CC’d. -Primo-. On the right you can see my Two-Handed weapon is nearly flawless. However, keep in mind you can still use both of these Skills in the same turn if you wish, hitting both targets twice. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, especially on the 4th slot. You can absolutely aim to get Dodge Chance on your gear and use Uncanny Evasion if you wish. Great build. Then from that point forward you will place points into Warfare and Necromancer in a 2:1 ratio until Warfare is maxed, only placing a 1 point or 2 into Aerotheurge when you get somewhere close to Act 2, and taking Polymorph up to 3 during Act 2. It’s fine for sustainability, but there’s nothing here in terms of damage output.

You can configure any character in any way you want anyway so choosing the Metamorph is simply a convenient starting point. If you were being really stingy you could even take out Phoenix Dive and/or Blitz Attack and possibly Teleportation/Uncanny Evasion (although they are very good). I also want to apply the high dodging of Duelist into this build by pumping up Dual Wield and Uncanny Evasion . Eternal Warriors want to find a balance between the two if possible, with enough Magic Armour to give yourself time to replenish it via damage. I feel like with the Juggernaut’s poison abilities paired with Fane’s healing off poison, they could make for a strong frontline.