Source: Genealogical Society of Tasmania Inc. (Five branches: Burne, Denvonport, Hobart, Huon, and Lauceston), Areas or cemeteries: Avoca; Bangor Anglican Cemetery; Barrington Methodist Cemetery; Barton & Isas Combined Cemetery; Bayles Private Cemetery “Auburn”; Beaconsfield General Cemetery; Bishopsbourne Nativity Anglican Cemetery; Blackwood Creek Cemetery; Booby Alla Old Port Cemetery Farquhar; Bothwell Municipal Cemetery General; Bracknell; Branxholm General Cemetery; Bridport General Cemetery; Burnie General Lawn Cemetery; Butleigh Hill Methodist Cemetery; Campania General Cemetery; Campbell Town; Carrick St Andrews Anglican Cemetery & Church; Chudleigh; Circular Head General Lawn Cemetery; Claude Road Methodist Cemetery; Copping General Cemetery; Cornwall Roman Catholic Cemetery; Cressy; Cullenswood Anglican Cemetery; Darlington Park St James Anglican Cemetery Private; Deddington Chapel Cemetery; Deloraine; Denniston Private; Devonport Cemetery; Don Congregational Cemetery; Dover Municipal Cemetery (Gen); Dunalley General Cemetery; Esperence; Evandale; Falmouth; Fingal; Flinders Island; Forth Beach Cemetery; Forth Congregational Cemetery; Forth Methodist Cemetery; Frankford General Cemetery; Franklin Village St James Anglican Church and Cemetery; George Town; Gladstone General Cemetery; Glamorgan; Glengarry St. Canice Roman Catholic Cemetery; Glenorchy; Green Ponds; Greenbanks Methodist Cemetery; Hadspen; Hagley; Hamilton; Harford Cemetery; Hastings Cemetery; Hobart; Huon Lawn Cemetery; Irishtown General Cemetery; Judbury Uniting Cemetery; Karoola Roman Catholic Cemetery; Kentish; Kimberley Uniting Cemetery; Kindred Methodist Cemetery; King Island; Kingborough; Kirklands Presbyterian Cemetery; Lady Barron Cemetery; Latrobe Cemetery; Launceston; Lebrina St Andrews Anglican Cemetery; Lefroy General Cemetery; Lilydale General Cemetery; Linda Cemetery, Gormanston; Longford; Lorina Cemetery; Lyell; Marrawah Cemetery; Mathinna General Cemetery; Meander Methodist Cemetery; Melrose Private Cemetery; Mersey Vale Lawn Cemetery; Moorina General Cemetery; Nabowla General Cemetery; New Norfolk; Nile St. James Anglican Cemetery; North Motton Methodist Cemetery; Oatlands; Patersonia All Souls Anglican Cemetery; Penguin General Cemetery; Perth; Pipers River St Albans Anglican Cemetery; Pisa St Marks Anglican Cemetery; Port Cygnet Uniting Cemetery; Portland; Prospect Vale Congregational Cemetery; Pyengana General Cemetery; Queenstown; Railton; Redbourne Presbyterian Cemetery; Richmond; Ridgley General Cemetery; Ringarooma General Cemetery; Ross; Saltwater River Cemetery Point; Sassafras; Scottsdale; Seymour Cemetery; Sheffield General Cemetery; Smithton General Cemetery; Snug General Cemetery; Somerset General Cemetery; Sorell; South Riana Cemetery; Sprent Methodist Cemetery; Spring Bay; Springfield; St. Helens; St. Leonards; St. Marys General Cemetery; Stanley; Stronach Cemetery, Austin Road; Strahan General Cemetery; Suppy River Anglican Cemetery; Tahara Private Cemetery; Tasman; Tullah Cemetery, Zeehan; Tunnel Methodist Cemetery; Turners Marsh Uniting Cemetery; Ulverstone; Waratah; Weldborough General Cemetery; Wesley Vale;Westbury General (Anglican) Cemetery; Western Creek Cemetery; White Hills St Johns Anglican Cemetery; Whitemark Cemetery, Flinders Island; Whitmore Methodist – Uniting Cemetery; Williamsford-Rosebery Cemetery; Wilmot Cemetery; Windemere St Matthias Anglican Church and Cemetery; Winkleigh General Cemetery; Wivenhoe General Cemetery; Wynyard General Lawn Cemetery; Zeehan General Cemetery, Operated by Ancestry Ireland Unlimited Company. Cemeteries Online is a fantastic way of viewing cemetery information online for the Fraser Coast. From June 2020, works will be undertaken to regenerate the Southport Lawn and Southport General Cemeteries. Gold Coast City Council Cemetery - Southport Lawn.
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Deceased Search Cemetery: (All Cemeteries) Bald Hills Cemetery Balmoral Cemetery Brookfield Cemetery Cedar Creek Cemetery Hemmant Cemetery Hemmant Crematorium Lutwyche Cemetery Moggill Cemetery Mt Gravatt Cemetery Mt Gravatt Crematorium Non BCC Cemeteries Nundah Cemetery Pinnaroo Crematorium Pinnaroo Lawn Cemetery South Brisbane Cemetery Toowong Cemetery
PO Box 1943, Hervey Bay Qld 4655, 77 Tavistock Street, Hervey Bay Images:.
One vase only is permitted in lawn cemeteries, which City of Gold Coast does supply.
Have your say on a development application, Sister city relationships & international partnerships, Find the link to cemetery fees and frequently asked questions below, Subordinate Local Law No.
The request needs to be made at the time of the first burial. Sites are available for purchase.
Areas/cemeteries represented include the following: Australia and New Zealand, Obituary Index, 2004-Current. Waste Facilities 13 (Cemeteries) 2008 (0.39kb), Subordinate Local Law No. ashes gardens and columbarium niches. Passed away at Robina Hospital Gold Coast aged 97 years.
A “Card” reference means that any additional information is available on a card index.
Latest; Most Visited; Featured; Activities; Anniversaries; Latest; Most Visited; Featured; Activities; Anniversaries ; Evelyn Quinn (1920 - 2019) Posted on 22 October 2019. Register to get full access to this cemetery. Mayor and Councillors If you have questions, please contact This may exclude burials in monumental sites where access may not be possible. Plese check the I'm not a robot checkbox.'.
To find out more go to our Cemetery regeneration project page.
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For help using the website visit our help page or contact The Nerang Cemetery is located on one hectare of land which was set aside in 1878. Cemetery/Crematorium Services. Office hours: 8am to 4.40pm - Monday to Friday (except public holidays) You can change the language of the BillionGraves website by changing the default language of your browser. Please enable Javascript to to take full advantage of this site's functionality.
This data collection contains tombstone transcriptions from several cemeteries in Australia.
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PO Box 5042 Search Cemetery Records Search Cemetery Records expand. based on information from your browser. General Cemetery.