They are also more accurate in my guns. Flat points in 9mm are better than round nose for defensive purposes (but not as good as a quality hollow point). well, I own all three gun mentioned here...i'd have to say the mosquito sucks with almost all ammo.

Full metal jacket bullets are more likely to go through the target, and pose a threat to others nearby. Jacketed hollow points are more accurate because one of the most significant accuracy factors are the "perfection" of the base of the bullet. The best analogy do describe this is to think of what happens when you open up an umbrella. This means there is little room for error in terms of neutralizing a threat. Personally, I have found them to be less accurate than the RNFP in 40 155gr. Consistantly have good results in using Fed Bulk and Remington Golden Bullets. Then, the lead in the center of the bullet will disintegrate whereas pieces of the soft metal can produce shards and break free, all while the diameter of the bullet will expand significantly. Keep in mind that soft point bullets produce fewer fragments than their hollow point counterparts. Accuracy is job 1 in case I post somewhere else and don't make that absolutely. I think that some gun/barrel combos are picky (I had a friend who's 1911 did not like xtremes (would tumble them no matter what he tried), so he just found a bullet that worked). Most police-involved shootings occur at distances of 15 feet or less.

HP -Vs- FMJ: Don't really know if it makes that much difference on the .22 caliber, or anything that we're shooting for distances under 100 yards. Finally, since soft or hollow point ammunition is less likely to produce an exit wound, the chances of injuring innocent bystanders is minimized. Or maybe he is just burning it up because he has them? In appropriate calibers, the heavy Pro-Hunters have harder cores, thicker jackets and are suitable for Class 3 animals. Does either type of ammo cause more wear on the gun than the other? Standard bullets generally have flat or rounded tips that are made of a soft metal.   Pasted as rich text. If the 230 was as accurate, you can bet that's what they would be shooting. Maybe more relevant with Match rifle bullets, but it is why some claim better accuracy even in handgun loads. One bullet may shoot better than the other in your gun. Pro-Hunters come in flat point, semi-pointed, hollow point, round nose and spitzer form, depending on caliber and intended use. But. Make sure to consider the differences between these types of bullets as you develop your overall defensive strategies. Soft-point bullets are also effective for firearms that may have feeding issues with hollow points. That's down pretty close to 9mm factory ammo in terms of PF. positively clear. Both have worked well, though I have had misc feed issues with hollow points in my Marlin 60. It will be interesting to see how they compare.

X-Treme HP bullets are all heavy plate conical base. I will say that given two equally accurate loads, bullseye shooters will choose based on cost or recoil. Thats a new one. These bullets are meant to stop and neutralize a target in as little as one shot. Lower recoil is one reason, but not THE reason. JavaScript is disabled. Why use xtreme hollow points vs. flat round nose? February 19, 2017 in 10mm/40 Caliber. A jacketed hollow point that has material inserted into the hollow point to close it up is just as accurate as the regular hollow point, and more accurate that any other hollow point, lead, poly coated or plated. For target shooting I'd go with round nose.

× Both are copper plated. If all bullseye shooters cared about was recoil, there would be no such thing as hardball matches, or Magnum Matches. These types of bullets have a tendency to pierce through a target, leaving a clean entrance and exit wound. Measure the length of the unseated hollow point bullet and the length of the unseated round nose and calculate how much longer the round nose cartridge needs to be to give you the same seating depth. Rail Driver , Apr 16, 2012 For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Let’s look at some of the differences as well as advantages of using hollow point ammunition for self-defense. Or, to get 143 PF from a 230, velocity would have to be down to 622 FPS. Not sure if it was the brand or the shape it liked better. Supposedly the HP design stabilize better; the weight is moved to the rear. In close combat situations where you need to take decisive action to stop a threat, then killing is better. You want the extra thick plating if you are going to drive them realy fast. But, I shoot mostly the HRN HAP and XTP when using a .38 Super Auto. Have read that Rugers are pretty much the same. Talking to some is like beating your head against a brick wall. Sometimes the HP rounds fail to feed properly.

However, in a combat situation or where there are a number of shooters involved, using a full metal jacket bullet can weaken their ability to attack.

Generally I only use a .22 for small game. If ballistic coefficient is such a big deal in accuracy, as you appear to suggest, why do long line bullseye shooters shoot the Nosler 185 JHP (BC 0.142) instead of the Nosler 230 JHP (BC 0.162)? And they are indeed slightly more accurate in pistols. I have used the X-Treme HP with good results. X-Treme HP bullets are all heavy plate conical base. Shooting to wound serves as a big deterrent in many situations as well. What’s the Difference Between Hollow Point and Other Ammunition, First Aid, Guns & Ammo, Survival Gear, Survival Skills, Survival Tips, Special Offer: Save Up To 50% On J5 Tactical Flashlights Today!

If you're shooting 9mm Minor, or .40, without a comp, it won't matter. This is one reason that these bullets are excellent for hunting. mines don't even shoot right with cci minimag. If I am wrong I'm sure someone will be along shortly to correct this statement.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out when very accurate loads can be made with either bullet! The second and third paragraphs were a response to the OPs question in the title, and not connected to the first. Me personally I use HP Extremes for zippy loads. eventually clog up your comp, unless you spend time cleaning the comp. Hollow point bullets have a concave center that is usually lined with lead or similar material. Doubt if you will put enough rounds through it to make a difference in wear, which would be a lot! Jacketed hollow points are more accurate because one of the most significant accuracy factors are the "perfection" of the base of the bullet. If it is HP I know it is loaded hot.

The main reason that these bullets wound instead of immediately kill is because they do not always create a lot of internal damage. Personally, I have found them to be less accurate than the RNFP in 40 155gr.

Accuracy is extremely good. Hollow Point. The price of the ammo is also the same ($6.47 per 100). This can reduce the number of people who are shooting while helping to buy time to either develop a tactical advantage or overpower the attack. This increases the chances of stopping a target dead in their tracks right away. Oddly enough, the humble Federal Champion lead round nose also did really well out of the Ruger with a 14-inch average. Doesn't your head hurt yet? the only time you would have problem is the ammo itself. Hollow point bullets have a concave center that is usually lined with lead or similar material. I have no concerns about sounding like an idiot, Proud member of the 1924 US Olympic Hockey Team. This means that the target can still pose a threat long after being shot, even if they are shot multiple times. X-treme uses hard lead in their plated bullets, as opposed to soft, swaged lead for Rainiers. These types of bullets are also less likely to produce an exit wound. Wounding also allows people to be captured and dealt with accordingly based on the circumstances at hand. My SVI likes 115 FP Berry's better than 115 RN XTremes. They can pierce through the body and major organs, but they do not usually disintegrate or fragment after impact. the 230 at the same velocity is going to give 178 PF. One bullet can cause multiple injuries in different locations. I use the CCI Mini-Mag 22LR in my Ruger MK III Hunter, and I'm not able to always find just one type of load. The majority of the ballisticians reports I have read essentially say the accuracy of a jacketed hollow point pistol bullet is due to the concentricity and consistency of the base. This is one of the reasons that police prefer hollow point ammunition as opposed to full metal jacket bullets. What you're saying is true the problem is practically it doesn't matter. The same loads came out on top, but they performed much better.

I shot CCI Standard Velocity in mine for target and CCI Stingers for pest control. Meh...Just because others have their own experiences doesn't make it conjecture.

I was shooting X-treme 165 HP HPCB bullets at the time, and it is possible my gun didn't like them. Sarge, talking to some can also give the impression that they should read their load manuals more and post conjecture less!

The bullet flattens and expands after impact. Only on they do sell plain hard cast lead bullets also though. I just got some 185 HAPs. If FRN's have a lead base (exposed lead), then using them in OPEN will. I normally would not shoot high velocity ammo in my target pistols but the Ruger is tough enough to take it. Some bullets are ideal for target practice whereas others are designed to cause as much devastation as possible. I don't buy the cavity caused turbulence assertion. Both are copper plated. I've heard that hps can be more accurate in certain setups but like you I find frn plenty accurate and at a better price than hps. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. As 57K mentioned, the HAP just eliminates the skives (sic). When shooting a 9x19mm, I use the HRN HAP/XTP, Nosler JHP, and recently, the RMR JHP (a very good bullet). I use the RN XTremes for my meat and potatoes rounds. Not a lot of people understand the importance of using the right ammunition under different scenarios.

Shooting an imminent threat with a full metal jacket bullet can wound them, even fatally, but it may take some time before they are neutralized. Hollow point ammunition is the de-facto choice for accomplishing this goal.

This is what is commonly-known as a full metal jacket. Wounds tend to be far more devastating than with full metal jacket bullets, but the soft point bullets are easier to remove in most cases. Both were accurate and funtioned the pistol well. Why? The round nose is longer than a hollow point, so your oal should be greater. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! You can get scientific about this or you can shoot a few types of bullets and see what works best for you. There are also soft point bullets which fill a gap between full metal jacket and hollow point ammunition. Both rounds are called "high velocity," but the hollow point has 36 grain loads, the round nose 40 grains. Same with the Winchester Varmint load averaging 14.9 inches. Upload or insert images from URL.

Bullseye shooters don't care about PF, they care about match grade accuracy, as in 100 10X.   You cannot paste images directly. The cavity in a bullet causes turbulence that helps it stabilize better in flight. Clear editor. All of the Velocitors had great penetration averaging 15.6 inches. Accuracy is. I use the CCI Mini-Mag 22LR in my Ruger MK III Hunter, and I'm not able to always find just one type of load. By Because wounding shooters can cause confusion, disarray and force healthy attackers to focus on taking care of the wounded. At 775 FPS which is pretty slow for a 185, PF is only 143 which is why I said recoil.   Your previous content has been restored.