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The name is Husqvarna 550XP Mark II and it’s reaching stores right now. The retaining function prevents loosing the bar nuts. As the Pixel system is “standard” on the new 550 I wanted to measure weights using a 1.3 mm wide 15” guide bar and chain. Here’s a couple of mixed opinions from professional tree surgeons in the 23,000+ Husquarvana Facebook Group, “550xp mark 1 and mark 2 are both good saws, I own several marks 1 and one mark 2. Rotatech is a trusted brand in the market for chainsaw chains, accessories and... Dutch elm disease can be something of a blight for those who want a healthy garden. Products.

Get the latest info on new products, giveaways and special offers. The 2018 APF Show, held at Warwickshire, was a record-breaking show receiving a new record number of visitors. The 550 is probably $600 around here. The saw delivers maximum power in the 50cc class. Husqvarna has even packaged this saw in a slimmer body. But before buying, it’s just as important to gather reviews and feedback from other professional tree surgeons and arborists. Here’s a couple of mixed opinions from professional tree surgeons in the 23,000+ Husquarvana Facebook Group “550xp mark 1 and mark 2 are both good saws, I own several marks 1 and one mark 2. Gave up on them upgraded to a Stihl MS261 non-computer carb saw and been very happy with it. It weighs in at 11.7 lbs, which is a bit more than the Mark I, but it adds some improvements that make up for the small amount of weight gain. What do you think?

If the saws have any form of base rotation there’s no difference at all and overall, they’re both very fast (we’re getting spoilt here). I have had 2 550's in the past but deals came along and I passed them on without running much more than a tank through the new saws so that didnt lead to much of a opinion from me. On a final note, it’s interesting that Husqvarna has 2 drive links more on their 15” guide bar, with 64 drive links compared to 62 on the Stihl.

Wonder why they used a dry lumber fake tree instead of making the test video with a real green tree in the woods?

For me, the current 550, at almost a pound lighter would better suit my needs. With the launch of the new chainsaw from Husqvarna these two fighters have crept even closer to each other and on paper they both deliver 3.00 kW.