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These are good stretches for you neck and will help you keep your neck flexible and mobile.
Relax and repeat.
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Neck pain This leaflet provides general information about neck pain and simple exercises that may help. Exercises The exercises overleaf should be started gently and increased gradually, and you should not try to push hard to get rid of pain. Neck and Shoulder Relaxation Exercises Do these exercises _____ times each, _____ times a day. How to do the exercises Lower neck and upper back stretch 1. endstream
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Do only the exercises instructed by your therapists. C��B��| ���u RK�%�
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Here are some examples of good and bad sitting and lying postures.
Purpose: To strengthen muscles in the neck and/or maintain strength gained in the MedX machines.
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times. Ease off the exercise if you start to have pain. 15-16).
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Core exercises can help with your neck pain. with your neck muscles to keep your head in the upright position. �RS����(�:a:����7��a�!Й7N� %�`zh|����LZ:�E9�����B�"��(��
Start each exercise slowly. *T�ke �m�JB�yt{�@����[���1�����0='l�7�u�۪_c8�;Y�5����k�T]��ί��݅R���t4�����G���4NE�\�{�3�W�>������cVP�߷�Zb$�]���9
Hold in this position for 5 - 10 seconds then relax. 0000007131 00000 n
[�r{���9��v��:g����.{Y��w��z�qB�L�G��t���7C�\�gH�1:1p;. Bend your head forward until you feel a stretch behind your neck.
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Repeat 15 times. 2.
Perform . The pictures and text below make it easy. Your doctor or therapist will tell you when you can start these exercises and which ones will work best for you.
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Isometric Flexion.
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It’s important to carry on exercising, even when the pain goes, as this can reduce the chances endstream
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As you resist the pressure you will feel your neck muscles contracting.
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Shoulder shrug 1. 0000002695 00000 n
Remember to hold the DLC, then begin the exercises. 3321 0 obj
Instructions: 1. Repeat on the other side. trailer
Cervical Isometric Exercises .
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• Stay active. endstream
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Sit on a chair or on the edge of the bed Gently turn your head to look over your ………….. shoulder Hold for ………... seconds Turn your head back to the middle then turn to look over your …………….. shoulder Hold for ……..… seconds Repetitions 2012-09-18T10:28:06+01:00 p�Qޅ ~��iN��Q۱6-��k=w�)����!�.
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Please contact your physiotherapist if you have any questions regarding this information.
Summary • Neck pain is common but most cases aren’t caused by a serious problem. 6) Prevention: Posture! Healthy Upper Back: Exercises Here are some examples of exercises for your upper back. •to Most cases of neck pain get better on their own within a few weeks.
Lower your shoulders and repeat. uuid:e488bd9c-62a7-4552-b5c3-8b7a6ef79ab5
Neck exercises www.oxfordhealth.nhs.uk | Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust 3 chin until you feel the stretch on your upper neck.
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1Neck Exercises Stretching and Increasing Mobility Below you will find stretching exercises specifically for the neck. Bed rest for more than a couple of days makes it harder to get going. }X� ��M$ö�1*��v���~�#����bCaM+���+�@?O�R�������� �4�N��y����������ۡ1d��-ɾ��#����|WxG���ͤL�2*I�Lۚ>q�����иR�YT���"����Kq�;od�d2�2���a䱱�f�o�N9:!G�j�6����]������sߡHE()�xw�
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This sheet includes some exercises to help your neck pain. 7. stream 2.