If your plates were stolen, a report should be filed with local police and that report should be brought into the agency with you. To replace lost or stolen plates with new ones containing the next available number: To obtain duplicate plates with the same plate number, you can do one of the following: When you change vehicles, you can transfer your plates to the new vehicle so long as the same name is used for both registrations, and the registration code remains the same. Please surrender the damaged plates to the MVC when you receive your new ones (see above). Be sure to include your name, mailing address, license plate number, and signature.. You will receive verification of the updated license plate status in the mail. You can surrender plates at any MVC location, but not at inspection centers. It will serve as proof that the plates were surrendered; in the event that charges are wrongfully acquired on them. Present the new title and registration you want to transfer as well as proper identification. Box 129 Trenton, New Jersey 08666-0129. Return out-of-state license plates to the state where the car was registered. License plates cannot be surrendered at Inspection Stations. Send by mail to: New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission P.O.
Chen holds a bachelor's degree in English and comparative religions from Tufts University, as well as a Master of Theological Studies from Harvard University. The MVC does not accept out-of-state plates. License plates from.
For more information about your state's coronavirus (COVID-19) updates, see our. changing vehicles is also located below. If you want to find out more about standard issue or specialized license plates, please go to Plate Types. All Rights Reserved.
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission P.O. The receipt serves as evidence that the plates have been surrendered. Note: Make sure you receive a receipt. Do not give your plates to another person unless that person will surrender the plates for …
You can surrender plates at any MVC location, but not at inspection centers. To get started we'll need a few pieces of information to customize the Moving Checklist. Click on a county, and select an office location within the county that is chosen.
Find all the information you need to finish your moving requirements with the DMV. Box 403 Trenton, NJ 08666-0403. Make an official police report to the municipality where the plates were stolen and obtain a copy of the report for your records. Surrendering Your Plates New Jersey requires you to surrender inactive plates. Subscribe to stay in the loop & on the road! To complete this transaction, you must visit a. Present the current registration and required identification. Surrendering Registration: Sold, Junked, or Destroyed vehicles If your vehicle is sold, junked or destroyed and you do not intend to purchase another, you must turn in the registration and plates to the MVC for cancellation. License plates must be returned to the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) when a car is sold but plates aren't transferred, when a car is donated to charity, when moving out of state and when the car is not driven for a significant amount of time. © 1999 - 2020 DMV.ORG. This includes the plate frames and fasteners - we will not accept plates with them attached.
You must surrender your old plates (see above). Nancy Chen is a professional writer and owner of a pet care business. New Jersey requires you to surrender inactive plates.