the anti-churh. 0000002907 00000 n

Nostradamus Bay 2011 15.3 hh Nostradamus_2020.qxp_Page 15/5/20 10:04 am Page 178. gton debut vic olden Slipper f $500,000 Easte TAR WITNESS lliant Group MEDAGLI ou $5,500 inc GST STRA r NO Multiple Group winnin sire MED GLIA D’OR brillia p one sir S A $50 er Y time Golden Slipper f Flemington de ctory. This is probably the root of the end of the world idea. As e medic fascinated by occultism, Nostradamus risked provoking the wrath of the Catholic Church when he predicted the future for the next twenty centuries. WW3 would begin.

Below are the most important Nostradamus predictions for 2020 that will have a great impact on the whole world. He pointed out …

0000024283 00000 n

0000822683 00000 n March 1555 the French scientist, doctor, and astrologist Michel de Nostradamus, better known these days as Nostradamus, sat down and wrote the foreword to his spectacular work Centuria. 0000824133 00000 n The Complete works of Nostradamus compiled in one PDF. They estimate that the disaster caused by Earth’s collision with this cloud will occur between 2010 and 2120. From a geo-climatic point of view, the need to purify and rebalance the Earth will lead to hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. 0000028046 00000 n

The horrified culprit, Count of Montgomery, was younger than the sovereign. His prediction regarding the death of her husband was sufficient.

0000020140 00000 n 0000001336 00000 n The critical year 2020 does not necessarily mean an end, but rather a fundamental transformation of the world we live in, a rebirth of humankind on a new spiritual level.

The people who can help the world stem off, mitigate some of the worst or utilize the best events are usually victims of inquisition from the earth’s most powerful. h�b``0```�����b��A�D�bl,l m�'00,;�� �'|. 0000082339 00000 n Being known as the son of converted Jews, passionate by astrology and other occult sciences, Nostradamus was invited to Paris in 1556 mostly as a source of entertainment. there is no scientific base for Nostradamus theory; there is no danger of Earth collision with a stray asteroid. A reversal of the earth's magnetic poles, during which the protection reaches almost zero, is likely to occur soon. 0000038234 00000 n The foreword is written to his son, and the work was dedicated only to his son César because he Michel feared the consequences from Inquisition if his prophecies would be published. 1. These Belts were immediately successful and so represented the grounds for the author’s acceptance in Court.

0000826668 00000 n All books on are Public Domain texts and free to download as pdf-files.

“An accurate prediction or an altered interpretation? Scared, the queen demanded the finalization of that unpleasant show.

Without any shadow of a doubt, she stands behind his promotion as the leading medic of her son, Carol IX.

Since 1940 and especially, after 2003, the Sun behaves more turbulent than ever, since the global warming that ended the last glacial era, 11000 years ago. The end of the world seems to be an obsession of all previous and current generations. 0000070711 00000 n 0000004683 00000 n On June 1st, 1559 when the king was taking part in a tournament, by accident, the lance of his friend, who was his adversary, pierced the royal golden helmet and continued into his eye.