Olson Game Birds have been producing top quality free range Pheasant, Guinea Fowl and Partridge for restaurants and food outlets throughout Australia for almost 50 years. Breeding of game birds includes a process where by the breeding pairs are separated from the growing stock and allocated nesting boxes for egg laying.

The species of birds that can be hunted in Australia vary in each state and territory. The nutritional requirements of pheasants are similar to those of turkeys, so if producers are unable to obtain feed formulated specifically for pheasants, turkey crumbles can be used. Minor permits in both firearms and hunting can be applied for if under the age of 18 years. Although they can survive without shelter after two weeks of age, basic housing in sheds is usually supplied to ensure their safety. Production and breeding sheds are usually naturally ventilated using fans for additional airflow, however larger enterprises use climate-controlled sheds. Lighting is maintained at about 16 hours per day to encourage egg production, but less light is needed for quail grown for meat production. Housing usually consists of multiple lofts arranged with nest boxes, feed and water access and a covered or open flight area. However, as they are usually farmed with pheasant, the feed options may be the same and include a grain and meal mix. Therefore, Australian game bird industries will need to improve their efficiency if they are to remain viable in the domestic market or to compete internationally. In South Australia, the following species are recognised as game: For more information, please visit Department of Environment Water and Natural Resources. Seymour, VIC. Therefore, Australian game bird industries will need to improve their efficiency if they are to remain viable in the domestic market or to compete internationally. The New South Wales Department of Primary Industries provides detailed information on the feed requirements for pheasants. Little is known about the nutritional needs of the partridge and guinea fowl.

This results in increased housing and equipment costs compared with other species where thousands of birds can be run in one unit; although no incubation and chick brooding facilities are needed because the breeding pairs incubate eggs and grow their chicks to a weaning age of 4 weeks.

Except for quail, game birds are seasonal breeders, so their meat is not available fresh all year round. Knowledge of the various bird species likely to be found in and around Australia’s wetland habitats is an important skill for hunters to possess. Map of current and potential growing regions. Hunting Pheasants in Victoria. Olson Game Birds have been producing top quality free range Pheasant, Guinea Fowl and Partridge for restaurants and food outlets throughout Australia for almost 50 years. Game birds are produced for meat for human consumption, and in the case of quails, for egg production as well. © Copyright Olson Pheasant Farm. Smaller producers may need to develop relationships with restaurants in order to market their product. Our tactical online store offers hunting jackets, multipurpose vests and camouflage T-shirts as well as camo hats and protective gloves which are ideal for hunting and wildlife watching, from such renowned brands as Helikon, Mil-Tec and Mechanix Wear. Note that some pests and diseases have been identified as a risk to industry and are therefore classified as "notifiable". Specialist breeders can supply stock to people wanting to enter the game bird industry. Alternatively, they may be grown in open pens if one of their wings has been clipped to prevent them from flying away. Quail are often farmed independently of other game bird species due to different management requirements — it is the smallest species of game bird farmed in Australia, but the largest by volume. Geese can be processed at two stages; as ‘green geese’ at 10 weeks of age when they will weigh about 4.5kg and at six months of age when they will weigh about 8kg live weight. With a particular attraction to the canefields of northern Australia, and our tropical and subtropical forests and mangroves, the pheasant coucal is one of the few cuckoo species that lives its entire life on the ground, feeding on large insects, frogs, lizards, eggs, and whatever tiny birds and mammals it … However, the expansion of the game bird industry in Australia is restricted by low rates of fertility and hatchability, variable egg production and growth rates, inadequate understanding of nutrition needs and a lack of quality breeding programs. Generally pheasants (and partridge) are provided with areas for flight in either large aviaries or netted pens. Quail tend to suffer the same diseases as poultry. 03 5799 0960 Quail is the largest game bird industry in Australia with 6.5 million quail harvested annually, with a value of over AU$14 million. Pheasants, partridge, guinea fowl and geese are hardy birds and usually are not affected by severe outbreaks of disease. The Indian Chukar Partridge (Alectoris chukar chukar) is the partridge breed used exclusively in commercial enterprises in Australia. Infrastructure requirements will vary depending on the species of game bird produced and the farming system used. But as a guide, growing geese can be stocked at a density of 50–100 birds per hectare, and breeding geese at about 20 birds per hectare.