@SMITEGame @HiRezStudios I sent a support ticket a few days ago and haven't gotten a response yet, am I right to assume that no one will actually see the ticket and my issue will not be solved? I purchased 5$ worth of gems and didn’t get them and it’s been 3 days I’ve already done a ticket and gotten any help, @KingChalms @SMITEGame ive been locked out of playing for 237 minutes for being a ‘deserter’ but I had connection issues... where’s the logic? @toastpana

Hi, i very want play smite witrh my referred friend pls on the game. Getting message that says “unable to connect to server” I’m in Massachusetts. @Marisa_is_baby_ YOU ARE NOT A PAIN INN THE SLIGHTEST! @SMITEGame The queues seem to be broken? I guess this is where I say goodbye to the 1 game i've played more than any other since beta.

RT @ItsDropParty: We'll be streaming some ranked joust on smite tonight!

@tmholgren @kaneswift4 Well, i have a HUGE problem with Smite : it won't launch !

Never had this problem on mixer. Well that sucks.

@Elklore1 Hello, i am an avid smite gamer and im having some problems and am getting absolutely nowhere with the support ticket system. I ment cross progression and cross commerce. Hopefully Hi-Rez can fix it up soon!

Just got my gaming PC working again, catch me playing smite and WoW every waking moment that I’m not working or editing.

:/. Smite servers are now down for scheduled maintenance on Aug 18, it started at 4am and the official server status page explains players should “expect a few hours of downtime”. I am working on a melee spell caster subclass and curious about the phrasing of polearm master. Lead by a media onslaught against anyone whom challenges the system ;-) corporate fascism.

@LordMeowington @Sergio_Suburbia @Tonyyyy333 @danbibliotheque @SMITEGame Yes they actually do the bot runs through the report for key words to see if its been used in multiple reports against the person and then issues the ban automatically then you have to contact hirez for support to see if it was warranted.

Saturday December 19, trying to login on Xbox one. @Oddimize Smite kinda has an issue with relics completely invalidating groups of characters: Smite servers are down and being investigated. But this has been annoying for 6/7 months now. If there was a God! I was just in the characters selection screen, got software error and now I have a penalty for deserter. I cant play smite i am so bored RN. Which one are you playing at the moment?

Is this game still in BETA? @Kitten0fDoom SMiTE Maintnence completed last night but logging on today it cant find a match after 7 minutes of searching. Its what they are supposed to do and its important for the game.

@BradMew @HiRezSupport @SMITEGame They don't want to acknowledge, that their system is broken.

@Loonatik_ @SMITEGame idk if it’s just me but after the update I’m having audio problems. -[PC] Sometimes unable to purchase additional levels of Battle Pass.

@Titan_Kabir @SMITEGame Why is that when my game or someone elses game crashes we get massive bans? Already tried resetting router/Xbox. No, the match isn't there.

Lead by a media onslaught against anyone whom challenges the system ;-) corporate fascism.

It started at 7AM EST, or 12 NOON in the UK. They deserve to live too.

Would not be attacking only with the glaive? Smite it’s always down for maintenance when I find time to play.

41 of waitin for your support service to ulink my acc from steam FY :). @Seikirah Anyone else friends list not working on smite? @OverlordJest Does this mean channeling a spell through it, like smite. Is that a Smite issue or is that a Steam issue? @Kitten0fDoom No, my connection is quite good, i havent experienced this before the update, coupd be a bug of the patch?

I am needing to speak to someone in charge of customer service or support or whoever I need to speak too to make a valid complaint, I guess this is where I say goodbye to the 1 game i've played more than any other since beta.

I had a game i recently downloaded that conflicted with smite for some reason, so i ran smite, pulled up task manager and ended the task. @TitanCupcake @TheLoyalQueen @SMITEGame @Xbox What about the console keyboard enter button glitch? Official Twitter confirmed the problems on Xbox One and said they’ve “uncovered the root of the issue”. There’s a pre-launch maintenance happening for Aug 19, which starts at 5am EST (10am UK). They always pop at 12 seconds, get to 0, repeat endlessly.

@uwotm8iswear @Kitty_toxxic

for how long?

Idk if anyone else is having this issue w her or other gods. #smite, @Chrisjt8916 @businessnutter @benellissss @weakboy20 @emilyhewertson It’s those very issues you smite , that are ongoing and never addressed so they keep going. @Percdye @NilsKoschi10 @SMITEGame Guys, those “technical issues” are due to Sony... why do you think it was so easy for them to get it set up on XBox and Switch?

@2en2oner PS4, Keeps putting random person which thus stops me from logging in on Xbox, Knoxville rn has been down for hours unable to connect to server. Also, relogging did nothing.

@xan1malx @xJoey86 @hatesocializin @SMITEGame Broken lol especialy the report system never working, @eli_jGolden @testyvery @SMITEGame Is it only with SMITE? He would smite you. But I think the gods are in Canada.

Hopefully back up soon guys! @SMITEGame I've been having severe server lag issues in at least on game everyday for a little over a week, can't find anything about it and my ping is fine so I don't know how to fix this issue. The error is caused by a variety of different reasons which usually have something to do with other services related to the game. They are back online now.

Get some New Supporters. @PlayTitanForge I tried to Queue earlier in the morning for casual Assault and Conquest in @SMITEGame and had the same weird bug/glitch in both games where it loads the main menu instead of the match and got a deserter penalty of 720 minutes for that, It's safe to Queue or not?

@B_The_Witch Los Angeles Ca. I don’t see an assault game to load into and I only see a ranked tab, not normal games, and whenever I click to get into a queue it just doesn’t work.

I cant get on smite ben waiting almost 5hrs na. Smite servers are down on PC, 3.16 update on the way! He would smite you.

help pls… | If we hit 70 followers by the end of the stream I'll buy chests…, @SMITEGame @HirezOps is there a problem with gem purchases?

@HiRezStudios when are you going to fix your stupid server issues and banning process on smite. Cant connect today, Oct 4 UK.

No reply for support either. Corona is not that lethal however combined with other issues, it's a big problem.

@SMITEGame My friends and I have been experiencing issues all day regarding just randomly being disconnected and not being able to join parties for hours or play any games.

I am needing to speak to someone in charge of customer service or support or whoever I need to speak too to make a valid complaint. There was a small bug fix patch this morning, so I guess that did it.

@DakotaDurden @SMITEGame @Wraithyn1 must've been a server outage. @Zach85381140 @HBlops4 @SMITEGame Major audio issues on ps4... Again... @SMITEGame @TitanPonPon, @ComicFanatic1

@Luxar894 If you're going to reinstall the standalone, you need to completely uninstall the Steam version. @Oddimize Smite kinda has an issue with relics completely invalidating groups of characters:

Scheduled maintenance will almost always be detailed with an update on this page, but in case we miss planned or unscheduled problems, then leave a comment with any issues you have if Smite servers are not working today. @SMITEGame There are audio issues on PS4. @wwwdotwebkinz Smite Xbox servers are down right now, Oct 23, for maintenance. @RaxoSwalas Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=778832820.

My OBS dropped to zero frames during my SmiteGame stream earlier and it seems my issue isn’t resolved.

I am needing to speak to someone in charge of customer service or support or whoever I need to speak too to make a valid complaint.