The Ufone PrePaid and Ufone PostPaid subscribers can turn off the MCN Service by sending an SMS indicating any of the command “unsub” or “MCN off” and send it t 180. Ufone weekly SMS package Unsubcribe Type “Unsub” and send it to “8066. Rs.
Get mobile phone balance loan for your Ufone prepaid connection. Ufone offers some daily internet packages for users who use the internet less frequently. Free Services got attention of public, however some time these services become a reason to disturb you even if someone offer you without any cost. [\.jpg|\.gif|\.png]")/)[1];else var a="";relatedImage[relatedTitlesNum]=a;for(var n=0;n U will now be charged only for the first eight SMS instead of six and be able to send *unlimited SMS … Same thing happened with me and I think most of those who are using Ufone Mobile Network when Ufone offered Free MCN (Miss Call Notification) as it send us an SMS indicating that someone have Call me and I miss that one even if I engage the caller number, Ufone send MCN indicating the caller number and time of call. '+relatedTitles[t]+"":document.getElementById("related_here").innerHTML+="