Flood Plain Zones View datasets from the City of Vancouver, BC, Canada. Parks Off Leash Dog Areas Visualize data with maps, charts, and dashboards.

Cycling Routes Property Viewer. Analyze and use City of Vancouver open data and maps for research, analysis, and application development.

Stanley Park Ice Rinks Protected Bike Lanes Find property, zoning, water, and sewer information with the Property Viewer and Infrastructure Viewer apps. Motorcycle & Scooter Parking

VanMap. Measure and analyze geospatial data. Skateboard Parks Please note that creating presentations is not supported in Internet Explorer versions 6, 7. Find zoning and land use documents. 453 West 12th Ave Read the release notes, "Open data and content can be freely used, modified, and shared by anyone for any purpose.".

including Legacy VanMap. Accessible Parking Your browser is currently not supported.

Please note that creating presentations is not supported in Internet Explorer versions 6, 7. Get the most from Vancouver's geospatial data.

We recommend upgrading to the latest Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Firefox. If you are using IE 8 or later, make sure you turn off "Compatibility View". Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) Find property, zoning, water, and sewer information with the Property Viewer and Infrastructure Viewer apps. Road Closure & Construction On August 27, we released updates to VanMap that include street view, view cones, and property report improvements. Civic Number: Street Name: Help.

Fire Halls Vancouver, BCV5Y 1V4, Terms of UsePrivacy PolicyWebsite accessibility, Freedom of information requests and released information. Medical Marijuana Senior Centres If you are using IE 8 or later, make sure you turn off "Compatibility View". About the Data.

Infrastructure Viewer . What mailing lists do you want to subscribe to? Disaster Support Hubs Contact us. Search. Single Room Accomodation (SRA) Download data in various formats, explore with charts and maps, and access via API. Review our Terms of Use – our Disclaimer in particular – before using the Open Data Catalogue/Portal and VanMap. Business Improvement Areas Book inspections. *, Download our helpful apps We recommend upgrading to the latest Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Firefox. Talk to us. VanMap. Zoning Districts. VanMap. Create, share, and print maps. Swimming Pools Drinking Water Fountains "The Open Definition" by the Open Knowledge Foundation   is licensed under CC BY 4.0  . Unfortunately, these commands will not generate a map image in GEOweb Properties. VanMap is now a convenient collection of themed apps, maps, and datasets. Residential Parking Permit Fees & Zones geospatial and non-geospatial, Maps and geospatial open data – If you are seeing this message, you pressed Ctrl-P or File -> Print/Print Preview. We're committed to continually improving the platforms, infrastructure, processes, and data sources that support the delivery of timely, accessible, and accurate open data. Traffic Cameras To print a Property Information Report that displays the map, click the printer icon in the top right-hand corner of the property results window. Patios with Extended Hours We apologize for the inconvenience.

Try the new VanMap. Access datasets via API. As a result, you may notice discrepancies in accuracy, completeness, and data refresh frequency across publications.

Building, development. Report issues and request services. Contact us about any issues you find with our open data. Stay connected with us 24/7, City Hall Please note that creating presentations is not supported in Internet Explorer versions 6, 7. All open data – Check your place in the Services Centre queue. Follow us on social media. Legacy VanMap New VanMap. Truck Routes Themed apps to quickly find aerial photos and property, zoning, water, and sewer information; Fitness Centres Join Talk Vancouver. Public Art Beaches Generally, the datasets supplied are in response to a specific request and may vary depending on the initial requirements. Map Viewer is a touch-optimized web application designed to make maps accessible on all popular smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers. Community Gardens Maps and geospatial open data – including Legacy VanMap. We share open datasets through publications such as the Open Data Catalogue/Portal and VanMap under the Open Government License - Vancouver. Map Viewer give you and your organization access to your maps and information wherever you are, at any time. When you access the Open Data Portal and VanMap, you agree to the Terms of Use. VanMap: View, search, create, and print maps of Vancouver. More Maps Areas of the City Leaf Sweeping Apply for permits. Community Centres

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