The Blacklake and Docks Districts survived the war with Luskan almost unscathed. The Cragmire noble house was once allied with the throne of Neverwinter. In game shop will sell game items. This is aGood Article! Neverwinter alow to play solo (with AI henchmens) or in group with othe players. Locations in Neverwinter According to my sources, they can be found deep within the Cragmire Barrows, among the Blackdagger Ruins. Next Maps Blacklake District (6-9) Prev Maps World map and suggested level ranges. [14], While Lord Nasher was the nominal leader of Neverwinter, the real power in the city was held by the Many-Starred Cloak, an order of good-aligned wizards that supported the rule of Lord Nasher. [26][4] As such, the Neverwintans followed a Tyrran faith that promoted justice and fairness, with greed being frowned upon. It was believed this was because of the Neverwinter River that flowed through the city, as it was heated by fire elementals living under the nearby Mount Hotenow in the Neverwinter Wood. [25], As of 1370 DR, the city was ruled fairly and justly by Lord Nasher Alagondar, an ageing, veteran adventurer and devout worshiper of Tyr. Neverwinter is a lot like Waterdeep, Menzoberranzan, and Undermountain in that it is one of the most thoroughly designed, written about places in all of D&D. De Hall of Justice, een voormalige tempel en later paleis van Dagult Neverember.
[30], After the Ruining, the city was almost entirely destroyed. [32], Without guilds to restrict trade or construction, those who wanted to start a business in Neverwinter could simply do so, and those traders who dealt with basic products, such as foodstuff, became wealthy just by selling their goods in the city. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oubliés (French), Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes of Neverwinter, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition, A faded inscription near the barrow reads: "Here lie the last of the once-noble House of Cragmire, brought low by their own meddling in the dark and necromantic arts, 1328 DR, Year of the Adder.". In Neverwinter, a group of traders from Tarmalune, one of the Windrise Ports of Laerakond, approached Lord Neverember in hopes to establish permanent trade routes between the two continents. Society[2][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] [20] Iliyanbruen was weakened by orc invasions, which paved the way for Eigersstor, the first multi-racial settlement in the area, which would later be called Neverwinter. The crypts below the keep were infested with undead and sealed with powerful enchantment. It also had a large fishing economy, and did good trade in logging from the Neverwinter Wood. Sword and sorcery.
[10], As of 1479 DR, the city became more cosmopolitan, with members of many races living alongside members of the common human and half-elven families. 1.
[14] Amid all the weird-following tolerance and variety in the city, there was a great respect for peacefulness, law, and order. The Alagondar line of kings and queens ruled justly and kept Neverwinter stable and prosperous even in the dark period that followed the Spellplague, until the destruction of Neverwinter after the eruption of Mount Hotenow, when all members of the royal family died in the disaster. [28], Neverwinter seen from afar, as of 1479 DR, As of 1372 DR, Neverwinter had a standing army, the Graycloaks,[29] composed of 400 archers and spearmen, that doubled as a city guard and patrolled the High Road from Port Llast to Leilon. [30] Merchants and crafters usually practiced their works in buildings dedicated for such tasks. In the early 1300s, however, it was discovered that the Cragmires were leading a necromantic cult and raising an undead army to threaten Neverwinter and the Sword Coast. Politics[2][6][4] [4], In 1467 DR,[13] Lord Dagult Neverember, seeing an opportunity to add to his financial empire, hired workers to help rebuild the city and Mintarn mercenaries to protect it from monsters and bandits; claiming himself to be a descendant of Neverwinter's former rulers and thus the rightful "Lord Protector" of the city, started the New Neverwinter movement. City (1491 DR)Formerly: Metropolis (before 1451 DR)Formerly: Large City (as of 1372 DR) Region Neveren or Neverwintian[1] 1 Brief History 2 Important Locations 3 Demographics and Factions 4 Surrounding Region The city of Neverwinter, founded in 87 DR, is also known as "the City of Skilled Hands" and "the Jewel of the North." [4], After the destruction of the city in 1451 DR, the Neverwintans showed a new facet: stubbornness and determination. In addition, the reputations of such unique taverns as the Moonstone Mask, the Shining Serpent Inn, and the Fallen Tower reached far beyond the city's walls and further added to the city's distinction. Population [7][13] The River District was invaded by a tribe of orcs from Many-Arrows,[38] and although most of them left Neverwinter when they were recalled by their compatriots in the north, around 1484 DR,[25] a few orcs and half-orcs were still living in Neverwinter as of 1491 DR.[13], The many organizations that operated in Neverwinter took on a more prominent role in 1479 DR and the following years. A view of Neverwinter from the harbor
Icons. [21], Neverwinter became a center of civilization, peace and culture and was widely viewed as a marvel by visitors. [25] Bitter over being exiled from Waterdeep, however, Neverember became more despotic than ever and enforced heavy-handed laws. [8] Kelemvor's faithful had also a strong presence in the city since before 1479 DR, and members of this faith were focused on cleansing Neverdeath of undead and other evil forces.
As word spread that Neverwinter was being restored, merchants from both the North and the southern lands became interested in trading with the city once again. [2] The heat given off from the river created a permanent warm climate in the immediate area. The city was a member in good standing of the Lords' Alliance. [31], Around 1491 DR, Neverwinter was a city full of opportunities. While most sources spell the name Eigersstor.
Inhabitants of Neverwinter Imports The rare eladrin,[37] and even tieflings were common sights among the citizens. The name "Neverwinter" was the Chondathan translation. [4], With the city rebuilding in the late years of the 1480s DR, many of the Sons of Alagondar volunteered themselves to serve in the Neverwinter Guard, making Lord Neverember to depend less on the services of the mercenaries.
Do not copy or reprint any element of this site. Lord Neverember invested a great deal of his own personal fortune to rebuild the city's infrastructure, buy the interest of merchants to send their caravans again to Neverwinter, and even ensuring Neverwintan refugees had enough food and gold in hand. All your comments, suggestions and corrections are very welcome. [30] Neverwinter traded mostly with the nearby city of Waterdeep.
Official webpage:, Recommended System Requirements: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP 2, Windows 7 or Windows 8, Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8GHz CPU equivalent or better, 2GB RAM or more, GeForce 8800 or ATI Radeon HD 2900GT performance or better, 512MB+ video ram, DirectX 9.0c compatible sound, Broadband Internet Connection Required, Minimum System Requirements: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8, Dual-core 2.0GHz CPU or better, 1GB RAM, Shader Model 2.0 or higher, GeForce 6800 or ATI Radeon X850 performance, 128MB+ video ram, DirectX 9.0c compatible sound chip, Broadband Internet Connection Required. Asmodeus, Bahamut, Helm, Kelemvor, Oghma, Selûne, Torm, Tyr Both missiles and the specially designed catapults were devised by the best 'skilled hands' of the city's namesake. The temples of the Hall of Justice and House of Knowledge served to cater the faithful of Tyr and Oghma, while the faithful of Helm congregated in nearby Helm's Hold.
Illefarn became a bustling nation after the time of the Crown Wars. Eventually, Illefarn was divided into three nations, of which Iliyanbruen was the most prominent.
Races [14], The city was originally named "Eigersstor", which was an Illuskan word. The Arcanist Quarter and the Beggar's Nest were completely destroyed, being replaced by the, The city of Neverwinter serves as the origin of the phrase. i used various sources to make the edits from the original map, here are the sources: 4th Edition Neverwinter's Campaign Guide, Storm kings thunder (SKT), Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide (SCAG), and some others from pages of …
Lordship Formerly: RoyaltyFormerly: Lordship Some believed that the city was founded by a sun elf named Halueth Never, who led the elves of Iliyanbruen against an Illuskan invasion in −10 DR. Info about Neverwinter. Shop with enchantments, ... Neverwinter Game Guide is … [30], After the foundation of the Alagondar royal family in the late years of the 14th century DR, the Neverwintans became a very patriotic people, proud of their leaders and their city. [12] By 1479 DR, the faith of Asmodeus had become popular as well, and the ashmadai had great influence in the city's politics. [7] Merchants from the "new" continent of Laerakond began to trade with the Faerûrian cities of the Sword Coast some years before 1479 DR. Due to this commitment and his past accomplishments helping Neverwinter and its citizens, the Neverwintans finally accepted Lord Neverember as their rightful leader. Netherese loyalists infiltrated the power structure of the weakened Neverwinter,[22] but their efforts were sidetracked by the eruption of Mount Hotenow in 1451 DR, so powerful that it laid the city to waste and killed the ruling royal family. Religions [25], As of 1370 DR, Neverwinter was a cosmopolitan and cultured city, and even merchants from Amn and Calimshan, who had a poor opinion about the cities of the North, considered Neverwinter to be a civilized place. [23] Then, in 1385 DR, the Spellplague struck. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Based on Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. Game genre: MMORPG Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game.
Your experience helps other players. Street vendors were rarely seen in Neverwinter. Lord Neverember also hired adventuring bands to deal with threats to the city that the Mintarn mercenaries could not handle.
Currency Release date: 2Q 2013.