British king Dropped from his battle throne?”. Arimathea itself is not otherwise documented, though it was "a city of Judea" according to Luke (xxiii, 51).

“We may date the origin of arms as hereditary marks of honour from soon after the subversion of the Roman Empire by the invincible Goths of the fifth century, A.D. (who were of Israel) and who in that time of destruction gave birth and life to Heraldry, placing it in the room of the “Jus imagimum” of the Romans. A story drawn from sacred and secular sources, and bearing a name known the world over wherever the Christian message has gone, yet but vaguely understood as an integral part of that message; a part prophetically assigned to Arimathean Joseph to perform in the last act of the Drama of the Ages. On the Mount of Transfiguration, our Lord, in the presence of his disciples, discussed with Moses and Elias “His decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem”; it is certain that the Master discussed this subject with his kinsman disciple Joseph, in view of the part Joseph was destined to play as next-of-kin. O clouds unfold! Children of Joseph Arimathea and Anna are: "Pietro Perugino 012" by Pietro Perugino - The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. Nicodemus was, like his friend Joseph, a secret disciple and a rich man, but showed courage in protesting against the condemnation of Jesus without giving him a hearing. Contents [hide] 1 Historical development 1.1 Christian interpretations 1.2 Gospel of Nicodemus 2 Other Medieval texts 2.1 Legendary Accounts: First Century Evangelist? But if anyone finds anything useful, I'd appreciate you sharing it with me. On the Mediterranean seaboard the Asherites had as neighbours on the north the tribe of Dan, and on the south the tribe of Zebulun. Herein we find the fulfilment of the prophecy of Jacob, “Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel”.

And was the Holy Lamb of God on England’s pleasant pastures seen? Bruce Hannay in his “Race Origins” states “The Phoenicians were Israelites”. In the Sovereign’s robing room of the Palace of Westminster, the history of King Arthur is set forth in carved panels from birth to death, while Dyce’s magnificent pictures illustrating the virtues of chivalry adorn the walls.

This indicates that Nicodemus did not hear or learn by any means of Joseph’s departure from Palestine because of persecution and of his settling in Britain. . The reputed colonization of Cornwall by Phoenicians rests upon the same assumption as that of “Phoenician” Ireland. ), THE INTRODUCTION OF CHRISTIANITY INTO BRITAIN, WHY GOOD MEN OF GOD CANNOT PASTOR TODAY’S CHURCHES, ‘THE ISLES’ – OLD TESTAMENT POINTS TO BRITAIN, The late Isabel Hill Elder, Northern Ireland. In the sixth century Uther Pendragon caused a circular table to be made “after the pattern of the table of the Last Supper”; accuracy of description being a family responsibility passed on from one generation to another. He also provided the tomb where the crucified Lord was laid until his Resurrection. Sources (the first two are by 'British-Israel' authors): !NAME:Ancestry of Richard Plantagenet & Cecily de Neville, Ancestry of Richard Plantagenet & Cecily de Neville, Ernst-Friedrich Kraentzler, published by author 1978, Chart 1827, p 393, - - Anna of Arimatha Queen of Britain (Roman),, 2 Notes for Joseph Arimathea: Joseph of Arimathea, according to the Gospels, was the man who donated his own prepared tomb for the burial of Jesus after his crucifixion.

The impression remained, however, until recent years that some of the tribes of Israel failed to drive out the Canaanites – which they eventually accomplished, as witness King David taking the “stronghold of Zion”, then considered to be impregnable. The box, of some enduring material (in which traditionally the cup was enclosed, and documentary evidence of its precious value); this may yet come to light through the work and the skill of the archaeologist. Inscr. Mark 15:43 notes his motive for this action as “waiting expectantly for the kingdom of God.” Joseph wished to prevent the body from hanging on the cross overnight and to secure for it an honourable burial, thereby offending Jewish law, which allowed only a disgraceful burial to the executed.

“When Arviragus returned to Britain,” the Chronicle continues, “he governed his kingdom in peace and tranquility. in Arimathea, Judea, Israel, 3. About 1220 the trouveur, Sarazin (a Cornish name) cited in verification of the truism that King Arthur was “Lord of Great Britain”. A home of wood is a home, my budding forth. Nisbett “System of Heraldry” (see Genesis 49, Numbers 2: 2). Here are some of the references I promised on Joseph of Arimathea. Pliny’s quotation (IV, 30 of Timaeus) , “Six days’ sail inland from Britain ( Brittany?) Later when the Celtic Church was demolished, to be replaced by a building approved by Rome, in this demolition the cup was discovered. Both HRH Prince Michael of Albany's book, "The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland" (Element Books, Inc., Boston, 1998) and Mike Ashley's "The Mammoth Book of British Kings & Queens" (Carol & Graf Publishers, Inc., NY, 1999) are based on earlier sources and add nothing new.

However, Josephus was born in 37 CE, making him a generation younger than Jesus, so it does not seem possible he was Jesus' great uncle. (II Samuel 5:7). in Cornwall, England (Britain). Spared, unwittingly, to be the friend and protector as Arviragus (High King), of the Judean refugees, brought to Glastonbury by the friend of the family, Joseph of Arimathea, and undoubtedly upon the invitation of the British king. There it lay through long years of troublous times and became forgotten. PAUL IN BRITAIN' by Rev. The early years of this reign were marked by increasing hostility from the Palestinian Jews towards the followers of “The New Way”, and after the stoning of Stephen many Christians fled to the great port of Caesarea, prepared to go forth to another land in search of peace and freedom of worship. This led to the Celtic Church having more in common with the east, than with Rome. Rise like a fountain for me night and day; As a result we have the name Phoenicia perpetuated for many centuries after the territory came into Hebrew possession, and the Israel people referred to as Phoenicians, to the confusion of the Bible student and historian. “And I have Covenanted a Covenant. The body of the Queen lieth in the coffin before us, and in the other is the head of her son. (Recognitions of Clement). Arthur and his Knights had bound themselves to find the missing family heirloom, the Cup of the Last Supper (the grail which signifies a wooden cup). Joseph’s grandson, Prince Helias, by the marriage of Joseph’s son, Josephes, to a British princess appears in several heraldic charts; while Joseph’s daughter Anna was already married to Prince Belinus, youngest brother of King Arviragus, their son Beli became the ancestor of Howel the Good, from which the Tudor line descends to our Sovereign, Elizabeth II. A mid-13th-century interpolation relates that Joseph went to Glastonbury (in Somerset, England), of which he is patron saint, as head of 12 missionaries dispatched there by St. Philip the Apostle. And looking, I saw Jesus; and being terrified, I thought it was a phantom. Great honor, of course, went to Solomon, who was blessed with … Record XIV, a). He took our Lord and wrapped his body in clean linen cloth.