A documentary about 25-year-old Alex Rust, a day trader who ditched his yuppie life, made himself a sailboat captain and traveled the seas. Too bad you turned it off mid-way through, you would have seen that the way men are pressured in our society was also addressed later on. Incredibly moving and powerful.

The film MISS REPRESENTATION exposes how American youth are being sold the concept that women and girls’ value lies in their youth, beauty and sexuality. Miss Representation, Jennifer Newsom exposes the bold reality of western culture and our continuous Campbell then served as prime minister from June 25 to November 4, 1993. Miss Representation left me with the sinking feeling of total failure. Lipstick & Liquor takes a look at the increasing number of women living in suburbs who are drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. The movie challenges how mainstream media’s sexism plays a pivotal role in a woman’s ability to attain a leadership role in a society where the media is the most convincing force shaping norms. It has received poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 7.6.

He isn’t just a 9 to 5 guy, just bringing in the paycheck. In the documentary Miss Representation,  Jennifer Newsom exposes the bold reality of western culture and our continuous idea that a woman’s ability to hold positions of power and influence in society is being overlooked by her sexuality and beauty. Miss Representation is nothing less than timely and riveting with it’s information revealed as something unprecedented, sadly. I know exactly what you mean. to get where Men are. New documentaries straight to your inbox. Download Miss Representation 123movies new website. Go figure.

This movie does an amazing job by calling the media into question for how they paint women in subtle and not-so-subtle ways as sex objects. There are hundreds of examples in the media of men valuing intelligence and character among other traits over beauty and sex but the documentary neglected any balanced examples. Men are shamed into organizing their life around providing and protecting women at any cost. I would highly recommend this movie to young girls and women as well as young boys and men who are trying to make sense of the dissimilarities between what they are told the world should be like and the way it actually is.

I feel sorry for the good men out there. Download Miss Representation 123movies new website.

There were many well-spoken, intelligent men and boys interviewed throughout the documentary, as well as many more women and girls – because who better to talk about the struggle women face today with the way we are represented, than them. Pingback: „Miss Representation“ – kako gubimo devojčice | She as object/Ona kao objekat. It wouldn’t be right to hold a woman 100% responsible for putting our basic needs before them but it is the expectation for men to be 100% for women in their lives. I realized that in my lifetime (i am 60 yrs old) women made no progress. Learn how your comment data is processed. It should also be taken into account that much of the mainstream media, which is supposed to be geared towards both genders, is biased by men. His dad does whatever makes the family strong and if that is to cook and clean then so be it. Not only do men need to empower women, but women need to empower women. Jennifer Siebel Newsom, thank you for this documentary, and Dr. Condoleezza Rice, Lisa Ling, Nancy Pelosi, Katie Courie, Rachel Maddow, Rosario Dawson, Dr. Jackson Katz, Dr. Jean Kilbourne, Gloria Steinem, Oprah and Rosie O’Donnell, as well as the women interviewed, my personal mentors while I was a TV watcher, not such a little while ago… an empowering documentary and gift as a significant leap to what we can do to empower our selves… thank you! Someone in the documentary said, if we go forward at the speed we have been going, it will take Women 500 years(!!!)

Miss Representation is an Documentary movie that was released in 2011 and has a run time of 1 hr 25 min. This film makes the use of many quotes and printed facts.

When you say that this documentary is “biased”, you’re confusing actual bias with focusing on one issue at a time.

And also allowing us to accept the responsibility to change it.

Such Is Life: The Troubled Times of Ben Cousins, Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief.

I turned it off when it was showing Angelina Jolie pregnant and stating that women are only valuable to men while they are sexually active and able to bare children. Movie revealing the story of a singer in the 1970's who was destined to become a rock legend but vanished for over 40 years.

What will you do while during your short time on earth? Over the past 20-years, women in the United States have come a long way, but America is still ranked 90th in the world for women in national legislatures.

“We’re here for an instant in an eternity and all that really matters is what we DO with that time.” said Diane Feinstein. I have long known the patriarchy fully intended to cut the female from the supporting of one another, as it knew full well how we, at one time, empowered each other by way of the supporting of each other. There is currently only about three percent of women in the mainstream media that are in powerful positions, while a staggering 3 out 4 American women and young girls have eating disorders. “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” said Mahatma Ghandi. the U.S. is not one of them… and neither is Canada, I might add. Written and directed by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, the film exposes how mainstream media contribute to the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America. How depressing is that!

i am so thank full that there i so many people out there that care about then sex and beauty.. like we have so much more to us then sex and beauty we are STRONG, POWERFUL, WE HAVE COURAGE AND STRENGTH…. Your email address will not be published.

A look at everyday Americans without financial support that most of us take for granted.

Doc exploring our planet from the mundane to the miraculous, looking into the unfathomable reaches of man’s spirituality and the human experience. Finally, in response to your last sentance, refer back to my first sentance.