Save. How’s the knees? Example: B: What was he at? Example – “I recognise yer man there, what’s he out of?”. Example – “Can you put my fleg and my tap intill my beg?”.

Get a grip of yourself and sort yourself out The best crisps in the world / short for potato Example – “You need to catch yourself on so you do”. Example – “I love Tayto cheese and onion so I do”. For many people outside the North, the accent is attractive, but it’s still confusing AF. Buckfast Tonic Wine Example:A: Here, Timmy, did you ever call that taxi?B: I did aye. Example – “Yer man went down south for his holidays so he did”. When I was your age, I had any amount of men on the go. Example:A: I’m about to head over to Jimmy’s for the futbol.B: Ach, I’m passing that way. The English word entered Irish English from Scots in the mid 20th century, and assumed an Irish Gaelic form. W anglii lub Wielki Brytanii. Example – “Wee Bobby had too much to drink and pulled his begs down in front of some auld doll, he was scundered so he was”. A: He locked himself out and he was trying to get through the window. To help, here’s a handy guide to the Derry Girls’ lingo: Ascared: Combination of the words afraid and scared e.g.“I’m ascared of heights”, Banjaxed: Broken e.g. All information, photos and writing are by Jonny Scott Blair, unless otherwise stated. Takeaway alcohol, and alcohol only, not food. “a female Inbetweeners set during the Troubles”, When the Nevada result will be out, why it's taken so long and how many votes it has, Who is winning 2020 US election? I have taught in businesses, to governments and to individual clients. Yer havin’ me on so ye are”. Example – “At school in Norn Iron, everybody plays ‘catchy kissy’ so they do”.

“Let's go to the offie and buy some beer” Oul: Old. Złe znęcanie się. Then I’ve got to get my tan done and….B: Will you houl yer whisht? Everything is going well now, but this happened suddenly and recently Jenny McCullough November 10, 2019. The news is on. May 31, 2018. Growing up in Northern Ireland, we always had our own slang. Messing or fooling around, up to no good Boys chasing girls at school to kiss them (and vice versa) “Look at my new slippers”, So it is/so I am: A phrase used for emphasis e.g.

Example – “See yer man there, he is a quare geg so he is”. Chłopcy ganiają dziewczyny w szkole by je pocałować (i nawzajem). A mix of slang and regional Northern Irish phrases that could baffle some not-so-familiar with the Derry dialect. English phrase translation (roughly) Tradycjnia dania z irlandii polnocnej. Is your mother aware of who your father actually is? Example – “Thon’s a brave chip ye have there Billy”. Example – “See yer man there, he’s a culchie so he is”. Ten / ta / to, Example – “Does this bus go intill town?”, The best footballer for the Northern Ireland team on the pitch by mariette. Jonny Goes Global Outside Poland – Moje Podróże Po Całym świecie, Śmieszne Historie o Piłce Nożnej w Polsce, Moje Podróże W Polsce – Jonny’s Travels in Poland, Moi Przyjaciele w Podróży: My Travel Friends. Norn Iron: Slang/dialect. How are you?

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Ridiculously funny person or situation

Channel 4’s new comedy Derry Girls has gone down a storm with viewers since its debut last week. Ormo Soda Farls, pride of Northern Ireland. An exam you take when you are 10/11 to determine which secondary school you will go to mariette.

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Example – “Artur Boruc, Ulster’s number one”. Northern Ireland. You are an asshole and I am coming to get you Now put in your wee pin number.

A term of endearment and love for Northern Ireland (our wee country) Love songs in age. Example:A: Here Tom, did the wife not tell you to be home for eight?B: She did aye.A: Do you not think you should be getting back to her?B: I’m going home to a tongin‘ anyway. Informal Northern Irish adjective of late 19th century origin, meaning very or wild.