These lines can be heard if Sylvanas is clicked repeatedly. Banshee Raven - This skin's coloration is more similar to Sylvanas' regular appearance, and the name refers to her status as an undead banshee.

• Adjutant During the in-game Hallow's End world event, which takes place in WoW every October, Horde players can visit the Undercity and witness Sylvanas holding a speech about the Forsaken and then setting fire to a giant wickerman. She new all along that million of player from a other dimension playing random champion would read her mind and start ‘‘thinking’’ to her self to lead us in error. “A curse upon Vol’jin and his loa. This is part of the lyrics to the Lament of the Highborne, a song that came to Sylvanas' mind as she observed the Scourge's invasion of Quel'Thalas. So, in one of Bellular’s latest videos, he mentions a retcon of Sylvannas not wanting the warchief and now it being all part of her plan.

Sylvanas later participated in the Darkspear troll chieftain Vol'jin's rebellion to overthrow the warchief, and during the events of the novel War Crimes tried and failed to assassinate him while he was standing trial for his, well, war crimes. / "Give the order." The runt Sylvanas is referring to is Anduin Wrynn. However, Anub'arak himself chafed under his forced servitude to the Lich King, and upon first encountering the crypt lord, Arthas suspected that Anub'arak would turn on the Lich King if he could. - "Mur'ghoul" (a portmanteau of "murloc" and "ghoul") is the term used to refer to murlocs that have been turned into undead. Zul'jin: "Hrm. - I'm not sure about this one. Not to be deterred, Nathanos refused, an act which cost Valentine his life. Instead he declared himself and his remaining vassals as Blood Elves, effectively leaving his father as Quel'Thalas's final king. Thank you for all of your time and effort in compiling this information! • Diablo "What are we if not slaves to this torment?"

Soon after the Bilgewater Cartel discovered a new material at the wound called Azerite.

They’re trying to suggest it happened during Edge of Night, which leads into a plethora of issues such as why didn’t she use these powers earlier, like against the Legion or when she was against Malfurion.

• Somehow though, deep in his soul, he knew that Sylvanas would come for him, and she did.

In life, Nathanos was the first and only human "ranger lord," trained by the high elves of Quel'Thalas, and was close to Sylvanas Windrunner. Ugh! [39], While the Speaker searched for Valentine's body, Nathanos and the rest of the Honorbound abroad the Banshee's Wail came under attack by the Alliance. Except not even quite as flattering. Kael never formally took the throne after his father died. Garrosh: "You DARE speak to your warchief with SUCH DISRESPECT?!" Nathanos's accomplishments were unprecedented.

(To Murky) Sylvanas: "You would make a fine mur'ghoul, wouldn't you?" Life Drain also made it into WoW as the warlock ability Drain Life, which is of course also present in HotS as one of Gul'dan's basic abilities. (Sylvanas was later rescued from this hellish place by the Val'kyr.). The Lost Vikings • Admittedly not much of a lore person, but I was thinking about Bwonsamdi today and his rising influence.

Kel'Thuzad • You are but a pawn." (if the hero that killed Sylvanas is killed soon after her death). And she had been genuinely sorry he had fallen—and not just because of the responsibility he had placed on her head. One strategy was to take Nathanos down as fast as possible, whilst reducing the aggro on weaker party members. Flap that jaw too much and it may just fall off." [4] After he was freed by Sylvanas, Nathanos hunted Ramstein the Gorger across the Plaguelands for months until the abomination fled to the safety of Stratholme.

Moreina, a character from Diablo. THAT WAS HER PLAN??? [10], Sylvanas, who had been killed and raised as a banshee by Arthas during the Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas, had later been freed from Ner'zhul's control during the Plaguelands civil war, and scoured Lordaeron for signs of Nathanos. Mal'Ganis • - Like the elves in many fantasy series, Warcraft elves are renowned archers, with Sylvanas herself being perhaps the deadliest hunter in her family, both in life and in undeath. So, in one of Bellular’s latest videos, he mentions a retcon of Sylvannas not wanting the warchief and now it being all part of her plan. She has a level of magical abilities, … Following his success with Sylvanas, Arthas raised a number of other high elf women as banshees as well and later placed them under Sylvanas' command. • Genji As Sylvanas paraded with a diverse contingent of Horde races on their way to the celebration feast, Nathanos elaborated that she left a power vacuum behind in the undeads' capital, and the Desolate Council was created as an interim government to attend to the Undercity's needs. There he recruited Horde soldiers to fight against corrupted animals (such as plaguebats), the Scourge, and the Scarlet Crusaders of Tyr's Hand. She fell in league with Andariel, the Maiden of Anguish, who took over the Sisters' monastery. Interactions "Well, if it isn't our little princeling. Please add any available information to this section. Garrosh thus only allowed the Forsaken extremely limited use of the plague, and he was utterly disgusted by Sylvanas' use of the spectral Val'kyr to raise humans as Forsaken, accusing her of being no different from the Lich King. Good thing my nerve endings rotted away.