Color of Change designs campaigns powerful enough to end practices that unfairly hold Black people back, and champion solutions that move us all forward. He's emerged from personal crises, though, by understanding what he calls the "Three Pieces of Wisdom": The difference between facts and truth; how to be led by soul rather than ego; and how to embrace your destiny instead of being dragged down by fate. He has worked for economic justice, both as a civil rights attorney and environmental activist, and is known for his bestselling book The Green Collar Economy, published in 2008.
He is a proud father of two sons. MEDIA: A three-time NY Times bestselling author, Van hosts two shows on CNN: “The Van Jones Show” and “The Redemption Project.” He is the host of CNN’s “Incarceration, Inc.” podcast series. After earning his law degree, he moved to California and began his work as an activist. But everybody also has a destiny. Jones' ideas led to a Green Jobs Act being passed in Congress and continue to influence organizations working for economic gains by improving the environment. In 2017, Van signed a management deal with Roc Nation, becoming the first political commentator in their family. He has been a leader in the fight for criminal justice reform for more than 25 years.
C NN star Van Jones has a habit of upsetting his fellow Black activists, progressive policy advocates, and liberal Democrats by cozying up to the Trump White House.. Ego is going to get battered and bruised. SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR: Van’s life mission is to close prison doors and open doors of opportunity. Lauren Morando Rhim. Let your soul lead the way, wherever it goes. Today, Van is the CEO of the REFORM Alliance, an initiative founded by Jay-Z, Meek Mill and six billionaires to transform the criminal justice system.
You have to be the kind of person who says I am what I am, but somebody somewhere put something inside me that's bigger and more beautiful than that, and I'm going to make sure the world sings that song with me—about the greatness that's inside all of us—before I go. Van Jones. Ella Baker Center for Human Rights; 1994 Global Fellow. It should be about reclaiming thrown-away communities." ” He is the host of CNN’s “Incarceration, Inc.” podcast series.
Until justice is real. "I cannot in good conscience ask my colleagues to expend precious time and energy defending or explaining my past. 2013: Becomes a host of the CNN television show. It’s the most…, How does the federal government support our public schools? Jones elaborated, telling the graduates: "You have to be the kind of person who looks at the facts, but fights for the truth and changes the facts. I went into a depression for a year.
Rebuild The Dream is fighting for an economy that works for everyone, and an America that delivers on its promise of opportunity for all.
Citlali Perez. Born in rural Tennessee, Van Jones graduated in 1990 from the University of Tennessee and, in 1993, from Yale Law School. Van Jones is a U.S. media personality, the founder of multiple social enterprises and a world-class change maker. #YesWeCode is a national initiative to help 100,000 young women and men from underrepresented backgrounds find success in the tech sector. Our campaigns are led by people who have been directly impacted by the justice system and want to create change. It was devastating.". Born in rural Tennessee, Van Jones graduated in 1990 from the University of Tennessee and, in 1993, from Yale Law School.
#cut50 is a national initiative to reduce the prison population while making our communities safer.
In Oakland, It’s Either Code or Be Coded. Van Jones has a truly glorious career that allows him to win a range of awards. Peggy Brookins. In 2008, his innovative work caught the attention of the incoming Obama Administration.
But it hurts.
Born in Jackson, Tennessee, Van lives in New York City and Los Angeles. Get our weekly action email and join us in asking #HowAreTheChildren. He told a writer for The New Yorker that the goal is "to get the greenest solutions to the poorest people…The challenge is making this an everybody movement, so … Joe Six-Pack…[becomes] Joe the Solar Guy, or that kid on the street corner [puts] down his handgun, [and picks] up a caulk gun." Read Post.
Some of the major ones are the 1998 Reebok International Human Rights Award, 2008 Elle Magazine Green Award, 2009 Hubert H. Humphrey Civil Right Award, 2010 NAACP President’s Award, and 2015 David E. Glover Vanguard Award. Van Jones is a U.S. media personality, the founder of multiple social enterprises and a world-class change maker. Under President Barack Obama, Jones served as Special Advisor for Green Jobs, but resigned in 2009 due to controversy over some of his past political activism. organization overview.
At the first-ever hackathon for Black Male Achievement in Oakland, Van Jones invited the young participants to join him at the front of the room.…, On the eve of America’s 244th birthday, the critically acclaimed play, “Hamilton,” debuted on Disney+, making the cultural touchstone available to millions in the midst…, By Massachusetts Charter Public School Leaders of Color, Most parents understand early literacy is important.
Education Post is the flagship platform of brightbeam, a network of education activists demanding a better education and a brighter future for every child. SOCIAL IMPACT: In 2018, Van and #cut50 led the winning campaign to pass the FIRST STEP Act — a bipartisan federal bill that the New York Times called the most substantial breakthrough in criminal justice in a generation.