You’re already logged in with your Bible Gateway account. Copyright © 2019 by Zondervan. TPT .

14 There’s a private place reserved for the lovers of God,where they sit near him and receivethe revelation-secrets of his promises. (AN), 20 Guard my life(AO) and rescue me;(AP)    do not let me be put to shame,(AQ)    for I take refuge(AR) in you.21 May integrity(AS) and uprightness(AT) protect me,    because my hope, Lord,[c] is in you.(AU). King David’s poetic praise to God. 4 Show me your ways, Lord,    teach me your paths. Cancel. (AI)18 Look on my affliction(AJ) and my distress(AK)    and take away all my sins.

Your perfection and faithfulness are my bodyguards. 1 Forever I will lift up my soul into your presence, Lord. Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. and their descendants will inherit all that is good. Biblia Sagrada, Nova Versão Internacional®, NVI® Copyright © 1993, 2000 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. 4 Mostra-me, Senhor, os teus caminhos,ensina-me as tuas veredas;5 guia-me com a tua verdade e ensina-me,    pois tu és Deus, meu Salvador,e a minha esperança está em ti o tempo todo.6 Lembra-te, Senhor,    da tua compaixão e da tua misericórdia,    que tens mostrado desde a antigüidade.7 Não te lembres dos pecados e transgressões    da minha juventude;conforme a tua misericórdia, lembra-te de mim,    pois tu, Senhor, és bom. When you think of me, see me as one you love and care for. Psalm 73 . Retail: $29.99. for you are my hope and I trust in you as my only protection. Cancel {{#items}} {{local_name}} {{/items}} Book. Trösten kann nicht tiefer und liebevoller sein - in neuen Weisheitsgeschichten begegnen Trauernde und Suchende dem ewig kleinen Prinzen und der alten weisen Frau!

aqueles que, sem motivo, agem traiçoeiramente. 12 Who, then, are those who fear the Lord?

Used by permission. pois só ele tira os meus pés da armadilha. Escort me along the way; take me by the hand and teach me. (E)5 Guide me in your truth(F) and teach me,    for you are God my Savior,(G)    and my hope is in you(H) all day long.6 Remember, Lord, your great mercy and love,(I)    for they are from of old.7 Do not remember the sins of my youth(J)    and my rebellious ways;(K)according to your love(L) remember me,    for you, Lord, are good.(M). All rights reserved. Psalm - Kapitel 25 Gebet um Gottes Vergebung und Leitung 1 Ein Psalm Davids. There’s a private place reserved for the lovers of God. ", antwortet ein kleines Mädchen auf diese Frage, nachdem sie der alten weisen Frau zugehört hat.

they discover how easy you are to please—so faithful and true! Only you can free me from all these troubles! Your credit Come closer to me now, Lord, for I need your mercy.

so I can experience your plans for my life. (AL)19 See how numerous are my enemies(AM)    and how fiercely they hate me! Cancel {{#items}} {{/items}} Psalms 25. for only he will release my feet from the snare. Bible Language English. Who are they that live in the holy fear of God? Sorrows fill my heart as I feel helpless, mistreated—. Lord, direct me throughout my journey so I can experience your plans for my life. Copyright © 2017 by BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC. You will show them the right path to take. ver 3; Ps 33:20; 39:7; 42:5; 71:5; 130:7; 131:3, Ps 5:7; 98:3; Isa 63:7, 15; Jer 31:20; Hos 11:8, Job 13:26; Isa 54:4; Jer 3:25; 31:19; 32:30; Eze 16:22, 60; 23:3; 2Ti 2:22, 1Ki 1:29; Ps 34:6, 17; 40:12; 54:7; 116:3, Ps 17:13; 22:21; 43:1; 71:2; 116:4; 140:1; 142:6; 144:11, 1Ki 9:4; Ps 85:10; 111:8; Isa 60:17; Mal 2:6. All rights reserved worldwide. Be there for me, God, for I keep trusting in you. 8 Bom e justo é o Senhor;por isso mostra o caminho aos pecadores.9 Conduz os humildes na justiçae lhes ensina o seu caminho.10 Todos os caminhos do Senhor    são amor e fidelidadepara com os que cumprem    os preceitos da sua aliança.11 Por amor do teu nome, Senhor,perdoa o meu pecado, que é tão grande!12 Quem é o homem que teme o Senhor?Ele o instruirá no caminho que deve seguir.13 Viverá em prosperidade,e os seus descendentes herdarão a terra.14 O Senhor confia os seus segredos    aos que o temem,e os leva a conhecer a sua aliança.15 Os meus olhos estão sempre voltados    para o Senhor,pois só ele tira os meus pés da armadilha. Nach dir, HERR, verlangt mich. 2 Mein Gott, ich hoffe auf dich; laß mich nicht zu Schanden werden, daß sich meine Feinde nicht freuen über mich. 3 Denn keiner wird zu Schanden, der dein harret; aber zu Schanden müssen sie werden, die leichtfertigen Verächter. Coming soon: our Thanksgiving email series will be an exercise in biblical renewal. All rights reserved worldwide. (W)    He will instruct them in the ways(X) they should choose. (S)11 For the sake of your name,(T) Lord,    forgive(U) my iniquity,(V) though it is great. 8 Good and upright(N) is the Lord;    therefore he instructs(O) sinners in his ways.9 He guides(P) the humble in what is right    and teaches them(Q) his way.10 All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful(R)    toward those who keep the demands of his covenant. Until you lift this burden, the burden of all my sins. "Liebe wird sein, ewige Liebe, was sonst! Bring revelation-light that trains them in the truth. and their descendants will inherit the land. e a minha esperança está em ti o tempo todo. Was wird nach diesem Leben sein?

my troubles and trials will be more than I can handle. conforme a tua misericórdia, lembra-te de mim. All rights reserved. NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. The Passion Translation® Copyright © 2017 by Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. Used by permission. (AD), 16 Turn to me(AE) and be gracious to me,(AF)    for I am lonely(AG) and afflicted.17 Relieve the troubles(AH) of my heart    and free me from my anguish. never count my sins, and forgive them all—. Cancel {{#items}} {{human}} {{/items}} ← Chapter. O salmo 25 é um poema organizado em ordem alfabética, no hebraico.

7 Gedenke nicht der Sünden meiner Jugend und meiner Übertretungen, gedenke aber meiner nach deiner Barmherzigkeit, HERR, um deiner Güte willen! Then prosperity and favor will be their portion. Reveal the life-paths that are pleasing to you. 6 Gedenke, HERR, an deine Barmherzigkeit und an deine Güte, die von Ewigkeit her gewesen sind. Don’t Fail Me, God! TPT Compact New Testament with Psalms, Proverbs and Song of Songs--imitation leather, fuscia, TPT New Testament with Psalms, Proverbs and Song of Songs, 2020 Edition--cloth over board, berry blossoms, The Passion Translation (TPT): New Testament with Psalms, Proverbs, and Song of Songs - 2nd edition, hardcover, floral, The Passion Translation (TPT): Psalms, 2nd edition, TPT Compact New Testament with Psalms, Proverbs and Song of Songs, 2020 Edition--imitation leather, charcoal, The Passion Translation (TPT): New Testament with Psalms, Proverbs, and Song of Songs - 2nd edition, imitation leather, red. 2 I trust in you;(B)    do not let me be put to shame,    nor let my enemies triumph over me.3 No one who hopes in you    will ever be put to shame,(C)but shame will come on those    who are treacherous(D) without cause. for you provide the ransom price for your people., The Passion Translation (TPT). Psalm 25. [b]13 They will spend their days in prosperity,(Y)    and their descendants will inherit the land. The Passion Translation Update. [a], The Passion Translation®. Change Language {{#items}} {{local_title}} {{/items}} ← Language. 1 A ti, Senhor, elevo a minha alma.2 Em ti confio, ó meu Deus.Não deixes que eu seja humilhado,nem que os meus inimigos triunfem sobre mim!3 Nenhum dos que esperam em ti    ficará decepcionado;decepcionados ficarão    aqueles que, sem motivo, agem traiçoeiramente. 22 Deliver Israel,(AV) O God,    from all their troubles!

$3.99 a month puts a library of commentaries, study notes, and Greek & Hebrew language tools right in your pocket. to come save Israel from all her troubles. But they will all be defeated and ashamed. For you are the God of my increasing salvation; your forgiving eyes of mercy and compassion. Reveal the life-paths that are pleasing to you. This psalm is an acrostic poem, the verses of which begin with the successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Will you protect me from their power against me? Psalm 25:14. Rescue me, Lord, for you’re my only hero. Our Price: $12.59. 1 In you, Lord my God,    I put my trust.(A). (Z)14 The Lord confides(AA) in those who fear him;    he makes his covenant known(AB) to them.15 My eyes are ever on the Lord,(AC)    for only he will release my feet from the snare. Version. 25.

8 Der HERR ist gut und gerecht; darum weist er … Save: $17.40 (58%) Buy Now. 22 Ó Deus, liberta Israel de todas as suas aflições! The next step is to enter your payment information. Starting your free trial of Bible Gateway Plus is easy. 16 Volta-te para mim e tem misericórdia de mim,    pois estou só e aflito.17 As angústias do meu coração se multiplicaram;    liberta-me da minha aflição.18 Olha para a minha tribulação    e o meu sofrimento,e perdoa todos os meus pecados.19 Vê como aumentaram os meus inimigos    e com que fúria me odeiam!20 Guarda a minha vida e livra-me!Não me deixes decepcionado,    pois eu me refugio em ti.21 Que a integridade e a retidão me protejam,porque a minha esperança está em ti. Forever I will lift up my soul into your presence, Lord. nem que os meus inimigos triunfem sobre mim! All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who follow the ways of his covenant. Ele o instruirá no caminho que deve seguir. Turn to me, for my problems seem to be going from bad to worse. toward those who keep the demands of his covenant. The Passion Translation (TPT): New Testament with Psalms, Proverbs, and Song of Songs - 2nd edition, compact, imitation leather, navy - Slightly Imperfect.